I can't stop using this gun. I'm always drawn back to it. Does anyone have any suggestions for a replacement? I'm open to any weapon type. Thanks in advance guardians.
***Thanks for all the input guys. I never thought I would get that many responses. I\m sure I'll be able to find something from the suggestions you guys made that will bring a nice change to the game for me.***
Shadow or the inward lamp
I see anyone with hung jury as a tryhard camper
Edited by Spaceman: 3/3/2016 2:18:51 PMI hate that gun. Use Not Like The Others for pve. Wrecks with crowd control and reactive reload. Always hitting bonus damage. Get it from the vendor. Oh and explo rounds too. Just a beast.
Cocytus with a good roll is good.
Last extremity, spare change, nerwins mercy, hawksaw, colovance's duty, cocytus. These are my personal favorites when it comes to replacing hung jury, granted the rolls I have on them are why I like them, so if you're lucky to get a good roll on any of these guns they're definitely good replacement guns, if not better
The Not Like the Others on my Titan the QM vendor sells is really good too. Reactive Reload, Explosive Rounds, Crowd Control. I find myself using it more than Hung Jury.
Miss is the only primary that is better imo
Nl shadow isn't too bad. Faster rate of fire.
Order the Uffern from the gunsmith, pumpkin handcannon that feels real nice
Edited by SYN DRAG0N: 3/3/2016 2:28:16 PMI just got bored with it. Now it's last extremity tt/firefly, Treads firefly/explosive rounds, nl shadow outlaw, crowd control, explosive rounds, tlaloc, mida, boolean. (One legendary and one exotic primary scout for each character) other faves are cocytus, covolance, not like the others (vendor had explosive rounds)
Get a grasp of malok pulse rifle got me away from my hung jury lol
Man, I really like the raid scout. It does work in the crucible.
Hung jury was my first year 2 legendary, I loved it bro. Me and my buddies did the first year 2 nightfall with it (dark blade strike) and we were all 244 248 and I was 252. It was fun as hell and that gun got me through it all!
My PDX-45
Edited by Cheesy_Quesadila: 3/3/2016 2:19:43 PMSuros dis 47, gunsmith is selling the package right now, should pick it up, haven't use the hung jury once the gunsmith had a good roll of full stability and auto fire. You'll end up going back to the hung jury probably though since you love it so much, and it is such a good scout
Edited by Spineshade: 3/3/2016 2:15:49 PMI love the hung jury, i just got my second one. My hunter has the better rolls with hand laid and triple tap and fire fly. The second one of going to my lock not as great but it's what I'm used to
Not like the others is great. Tlaloc is great. MIDA is good. Last extremity is ok.
Last extremity
Nlb for pvp pulse rifle pve
Im usr my fakebringer recently, works pretty good xD
Cocytus SR4
Treads Upon Stars is a nice scout rifle if you can get a drop with decent perks.
Edited by Gambit: 3/3/2016 1:56:33 PMit's because there aren't alot of Taken King Weapons really good. To me they all feel the same with the exception of maybe a couple. With the removal of elemental primaries it has actually got pretty boring. I use to like having to decide what element I wanted to run with in my primary slot. Now it's whatever. Now each of my characters has a set primary that never changes unless I'm doing the raid. Thanks for that change Bungie. Again a change that NO ONE asked for. These "people" are always trying to fix something that is not broken and leaving the broken things and saying "look what we did over here; see we made the purple ball at the tower glow when you kick it. Don't worry about the Badger error you just got, that's YOUR internet connection not ours."
It's either Hung Jury or Mida, pretty much the only two Scouts I die to
I got a tunela sr from the gunsmith its got life support firefly & extended mag. & stability that is on par with vision or Hung Jury. I just got it yesterday but judging by perks alone I think I'll like it more than my Hung Jury. Perk wise it's better but we'll see how it performs. I've also found treads upon stars with the right roll can be a great replacement for the Hung Jury.