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Edited by Theo: 3/4/2016 9:26:16 AM

Petition To Fire Luke Smith , Deej and John wisniewski

I want Luke Smith Fired


I want Deej Fired


I want John wisniewski Fired


All of the above


I want None of them to be fired


Cast your votes this should be interesting

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  • I don't see any reason to ruin people's lives over a video game that is a PRIVILEGE to play, not even a RIGHT. Even if the game sucked, there is no reason to push someone with a family to unemployment. That is a horrible thing, and shouldn't be considered.

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    • Even as a troll post god this is pathetic

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      4 Replies
      • They have made mistakes but even joking about people livelihoods is cruel. Let them worry about game developments instead.......

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        2 Replies
        • They probably have a portable chalkboard on the wall with everyone's names on it titled "who should be fired" with a long row of checks for each person based on community feedback but the part where it gets interesting is where they all laugh and don't care. These kind of posts don't do anything positive for destiny if that's what your goal is. Find something you want to fix and stand behind it with the community.

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        • 48% want luke smith fired... you idiots get that he designed vog right??? Like seriously wtf...

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          6 Replies
          • Luke smiths vision of destiny is lack luster and boring. Bring back the e3 2013 game.

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          • Destiny community at its best. Ruin lives just because you think they made a game slightly worse. Pathetic.

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          • Yes fire both Jon and Luke but more so Jon. Guy clearly is lost when it comes to weapons and balance.

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          • Oh maybe u can take their spots. Shut the -blam!- up All u bitches do is complain. I'd like to see You making quality games and programming shit.

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          • Edited by Hecate: 3/4/2016 9:16:49 PM
            I haven't been shy about posting criticism of DeeJ, but if the truth be known, he's actually doing an excellent job. Before you call me a Desticle, permit me to explain. In order to know whether DeeJ is doing a good job, you have to know what his REAL job is, not the job Bunglevision pretends he has. His job isn't to be the voice of the community; if it were, he wouldn't have taken six months to a year just to put Optional Matchmaking on the community wishlist. His job isn't to inform the community; if it were, he'd be telling us something meaningful. His job isn't to help the community; if it were, he would be assisting instead of snarking and insulting. He has one purpose, one task, one function, one job, and no other. He's the flak catcher. He is there for the sole purpose of giving the community a target on which to focus their discontent. That's why it's ludicrous to talk about poor DeeJ having to listen to irate customers. That's the only real job he has. That's exactly what they're paying him for: so that people will get angry at HIM and call for his dismissal instead of filing BBB reports or joining a class action lawsuit or boycotting Bunglevision and Destiny. In other words, having DeeJ around to be hated keeps the customer base from doing something that might actually accomplish some good. He might indeed get transformed from flak catcher to sacrificial lamb and get fired, but if he is, it's only because Bunglevision decided it would mollify the community, even if only temporarily. It wouldn't be because Bunglevision wanted things changed. How can I know that when I don't work for Bunglevision? Because if Bunglevision had wanted things changed, they'd have either made him do things differently or replaced him long ago. Either he is doing the job the way Bunglevision wants, or they really just don't care. Let that sink in. THAT'S why it's pointless to ask for his dismissal, obnoxious as he is. Edited for correction. I meant DeeJ, not Cosmo. My apologies to all and thanks to Lost Sols for pointing out the error.

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            7 Replies
            • We need a year 2 icebreaker

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            • Not cool even with the #satire in your post to call for people's jobs.

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              3 Replies
              • I just recently found a job after being laid off for a year. To say that I spent that year in absolute stress and terror at the thought of losing everything, would be a massive understatement. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Yes, something needs to be done, but I don't think that should include anyone losing their job unless absolutely called for. Furthermore, your post is useless. Your opinion will never be taken seriously by Bungie and it does nothing but bring the community down. Please think about that before you post.

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                11 Replies
                • Anyone who picked anything but the last option has never felt the stress of supporting a household. They obviously still live with their parents.

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                • Ive been without a job for several months and just recently got hired for a new better paying job. I know the fear of losing everything and the fact that you would wish that upon anyone, shows that you are very immature and haven't felt the struggle of the real world. Grow up and stop giving our community an ugly face.

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                  2 Replies
                  • It's one thing to disagree with people, but posts like this asking for people to be fired are despicable.

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                    8 Replies
                    • You are a knucklehead. Where's the 'Nerf Fusion Rifles' option?

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                    • Haha noone wants them to be fired good. [i]-ATullo[/i]

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                    • Edited by Kone19ps: 3/4/2016 5:46:40 PM
                      No. Deej needs to play and get invested more so he doesn't make simple mistakes like confusing oryx with crota when it says right in front of him [b]fanatic of crota[/b]. He toned down his sarcasm but needs to stop repeating marketing phrases. If I hear the dreadnaught described as an inscrutable loot filled fortress again I'll just turn whatever it is off. Luke smith needs someone to counterpoint his decisions. Many don't agree with him. I feel like there has to be more to no elementals than lack of diversity since just add more would fix that. We all know it's to slow progression. They should just admit it. I think that's the main problem is as director he has final say and not many players agree here. Jon I actually like what he has done with crucible. It has a long way to go but it's far more balanced than ever since the first few weeks where perks were so limited it was like halo with everyone having generic weapons

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                    • I don't love Luke smith but it is what it is. Also g8 b8 m8.

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                    • Yep fire them all. I wanted a chrimson ghost. They broke the drops and was to lazy to fix it. All lazy workers should be fired.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Edited by MassaJedi: 3/3/2016 8:51:15 PM
                        How about no. Posts like these really show the immaturity of the community and it's no fracking wonder bungie goes to Reddit for feedback. OP is a joke and anyone else who posts this same drivel is a joke as well. Y'all that post are the face of the community. Why don't y'all -blam!-ing act like it.

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                        • Guardians Look at the tags befor posting.....

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                          • Forgot #toxic

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                          • Don't fire them, just transfer them to custodial department.

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                            • Does deej still work for bungie? Haven't seen that cat in a long time

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