J'habite sur la planète terre.
The Ham's native language isn't French, but that's just an example. Time to see how diverse bungie.net is!
hbcdfaxbnjnbfgnbfghhbmjhjgsdbbfqqdffgjkkkgbffbbhggdvbhhccbkfgnhfhhjnhffewryjjtwehjegejgejejggejngeherjhrkgrnrhrnjrrmhtmnrnrhhdntmjhmrbrnbddbbdbgtjrjjrengsbsbbshn [spoiler]english btw[/spoiler]
I live on planet earth
I live on planet Earth
Dovahzul: Zu'u lah ney nau gol.
en terrarā vito.
[i]Ne da-vos de e kir mi[/i] That roughly translates to "I rise [plural] of the strong house"
Jag bor på jorden.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
I live on planet earth
[b] [/b]
나는 지구 에 살고
I live on planet America -English
Л Ратов гашиш зоологи зло
My God... I'm surrounded by morons!
Fack you
Iay ivelay onay anetplay Earthay
[spoiler]i live on planet earth[/spoiler]