Elitism is just plain stupid saying "318+ if you die booted" if your someone like that I don't have respect for you. I understand you might want to rush threw the raid cause of time and all that but being an elitist just makes you looks bad I've never asked for anything more then just having a mic and able to listen if you don't understand the challenge or even the raid. Helping new raiders is what older raiders should do not shun them for being a "NOOB" because of RNG
It's a bit of both the fact that PvP games and even MMOs tend to attract people with the elitist personality and kids who think it matters to be an elite. These are the same people who 20 years ago used to beat us up in school for liking gaming and comic books. Now that being a "nerd" is mainstream we're attracting the wrong kinds of people to gaming.
Edited by Cowboybebop: 3/2/2016 7:03:45 PMNo its toxic becuase of the kids that play this game thinking it's cod that never played a mmo loot based game in their life.. people asking for a certain light though. Who cares? If you meet their requirements then play with them. If not? Then don't. It's not that hard bud.
Did you buy their game? Let them play the way they want too.
Just stop being bad.