The kiosk requirement for the ship to drop says: Reward for Flawless Victory. However, all throughout the Internet, including these forums, Reddit, YouTube, etc., the community has not seen a single drop of this ship.
It's a pretty sweet ship with a gray highlight, which makes it stand out from the similar "Draught of Nectar".
Cozmo, can you let the team know that it would be cool to make this a reward for going flawless like the kiosk description actually states and maybe make it a reward for continuing to win on a flawless card, like Scarab Heart? That way, the ship would be what it seems like it was meant to be, a little bit higher of a reward than the normal Trials ship that can drop at any time during Trials.
I know the two other Trials shaders, Abydos Common and Amduat Ink, were added recently, after they hadn't been dropping, I hope there is a plan to add this ship in the loot table as well eventually.
Thanks for your time.