My worst is [spoiler]Dont ****ing use the ****ing benevolence im gonna ****ing hack you you ****ing b**ch[/spoiler]
My best is [spoiler]Great Game! Teach me how to snipe like you![/spoiler]
My best was when I was doing trials my team lost two rounds and my two teammates said I suck when I only died twice and was the only one to get kills so they were like let's go find another and left mid match so it was 3v1 I lost the next and then preceded to win three more rounds before I finally lost the game and all three guys were saying good game and thanks for not quitting and then I made three really cool friends My worst was during the raid I was 320 so I wanted to help some new people out with kings fall and there's this impatient speaker who had now idea what to do and he kept trying to lead the raid group and i was like hey dudes I you mind not interrupting me I'm trying to help these guys out so they know what to do and he was like wow you suck and have no idea what you're doing and I was like please go check my profile and see that I've gotten over 100 raid completions for kings fall(obvious over exaggeration I have only like 40 I think) so he quit and sent a message saying I suck and called me a milk drinker(what the hell does that mean?) and then he pulled the classic twelve year old by saying he -blam!-ed me mum last night