I'm just curious~ I main a Warlock, but I always like to use void walker instead of Self Res or Storm caller in the Crucible.
I know Warlocks have been getting a lot of shit lately over self res and some aspects of storm caller so who here still enjoys Voidwalker?
Edit: Glad to see a lot of other people enjoy Voidwalker as much as I do haha
As much as I know sunsinger is more effective in 3v3 and storm trance is awesomely fun in 6v6 I cannot stop from going void walker. Coupled with the nothing manacles the scatter grenades wreck and you get two of them. Nova bomb isn't something I depend on in play but I'll use it on cd if there's 2 or more close. Life steal or super leach is also awesome on the melee attack. It's just so much fun for me in both Pvp and pve I can't not be a void walker.