You don't have to completely leave, just secretly cruise around like I do. :)
I understand how you feel about how it is partially Offtopic's fault. People don't care about who voted for you, they care about the fact that, let's face it, you [i]are[/i] a new user and you [i]did[/i]make a couple of popular threads(Although the amount of comments did make it popular).
I understand how they feel, because it is..... Unsettling when you've been here for a while, and suddenly someone new pops in and steals all the attention. (I'm not saying I want attention, I DEFINITELY don't. )
I mean, you do act so nice that, to be honest, it's hard for me to believe that your actually genuine. Maybe it's just the idea that super nice people are fake, and that's why you get so much hate. I'm not saying be mean, but I don't know.... Be [i]less[/i] nice?... If you know what I mean?
That's true. I've toned down my "niceness" a bit. It's kind of who I am and even if I try faking being mean or what not, I just simply can't. Idk how to explain it, but what you see is what you get when it comes to me. I have nothing to hide. On a side note, I've gotten good at sarcasm and I've learned a thing or two from my stay here at off-topic, including the Lenny face and other sarcastic comments but when I can, I try to maintain my niceness because that's just who I am. And if you know me personally, you'll know what I am talking about :P