[b]theres a guitar case hung in the wall and a pair of handguns hanging underneath in their holsters,a rack of katana's stands out the most but it's right above the bed[/b]
[b]she silently walks over and picks it up examining it[/b]
[b]the one she grabbed seems to pulse gently in her hand, the canines are still nudging the figure and have now started playfully biting[/b]
[b]she runs her finger lightly across the blade[/b]
[b]she cut herself and quickly felt venom pulse through her veins, it was of a supernatural origin[/b]
"Thats not good"
[b]her flesh began to rot before the figure sat up and stabbed her with a small knife quickly cleansing the venom and fixing any damage, he quickly laid back down[/b] You know it's a bad idea to break into someone's room and mess with their stuff
"Sorry I just got curious and ow that hurt"
Curiosity killed the cat but you don't smell like one
"Well that's because I'm human"
Not a normal one from what I can tell
"No not a normal one but I am human"
Mhm [b]the two canine are eventually pushed onto the floor[/b]
"Where did the dogs come from?"
The ability to change into an animal and back has its blessings and curses