Did [url=https://youtu.be/f20u-8Kof3E]this[/url] in Iron banner today...
The trick is to not run away but to run straight at them and wear them out, like a matador fighting a bull xD
Edit: made an [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/194563670/0/0]Iron Banner highlight[/url] video too if anyone wants to check it out.
I normally don't endorse teabagging but killing people who tried to kill you with Arc Blade is just about the only time I think it's justified.
Any super kill deserves a bag. Nice.
Lol at all the people salty about the tea bag. Get over it kids.
This is why i don't play pvp
Personally, I don't bag and never will. I'm decent at PvP on my Titan so far that I'm not embarrassing myself. But who really cares if someone wants to bag? It's a game and a lot of people are far too sensitive. You talk about respect and sportsmanship, but they don't know you, so respect isn't warranted. And, it's a damn video game, so sportsmanship is silly. Do what I do when I get bagged, respawn, get over it, and continue playing. It's had no ill effects on me so far.
Lol now THATS funny.
You're a mouse and keyboard kid and I have no respect for you.
Bag that tea.
That was funny. Possibly worst Bladedancer I've ever seen, and I'm an awful one ;)
All he had to do was swing at you instead of blinking and you would have been dead. Pure garbage is what I saw.
Gamebreaking shadestep glitch, check it out! [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dz0_xGqKRs[/url]
I think their weakness is really just a fully loaded last word...as these two learned the hard way!
Edited by aNudistBuddhist: 3/1/2016 1:08:33 PMI can only assume the people that are so against t-bagging never played Halo 3. If you didn't t-bag then, you were the weird one... Edit: I enjoyed your victory crouch.
Hmm imagine PlayStation vs Xbox players in trials Bruh that'd be an epic showdown every week js
MRW I see a a bladedancer do down this hard and I just got special ammo...
To all those peeps living the "free bag life" you are all 7 year olds who get upset when someone tbags you...The 7 years I've been gaming and also me being a female I've been t-bagged in all kinds of ways and you know what I all I did was laugh about it then proceeded to kill them and tbag them viciously back and laugh again. #Tbaggingrocks #getoverit #Bump #Videowasawesome
Bagging? Really? Lame. And it's so easy to get away from bladedancers unless they surprise you. Not impressed.
Edited by CresterOts: 3/1/2016 10:19:50 AMgood play...terrible ending though. Don't even know why I care...guess it's one of them small little things that urks me a little.
Would have looked better if you just turned around and ran away after you killed him.
you see this is what is terrible example of bad sportsmanship if i were you i would've killed him then kept going and left is lifeless corpse alone but hey be dick all you want there will be someone out there to stop your ass
I was going to congratulate you but that t-bagging was completely unjustified.
Tbagging, if done correctly, is entirely appropriate. Good show
I jump towards them over their head and run around and do it over and over.
Edited by Wren: 3/1/2016 1:26:07 PMShould've used the ninja bag. But it was a good play!
This is why I don't use blink
If this happened to me and you didn't t bag... I'd find you and insert my face under your balls myself.