"Are they speaking on a different frequency? Like is it too low for me to hear or..."
Their vocal wave length patterns are too low for most people to hear
"Wait... I was right?!?!" [b]he looks back at you ,totally confused[/b] "Also where did he go... Tiberius just sorta dissapeared on me."
Are you sure you aren't crazy because I can see him just fine...unless my shadows bent the light around him that's probably it [b]the shadow fades and Tiberius is still in his arms looking around[/b]
"In probably crazy, but at this point I don't really care anymore." [b]he hugs the dog[/b]
[b]Tiberius lets a few happy barks [/b]
"What's with him? He seems more... Reserved then his brothers."
[b]Tiberius starts squirming to get away[/b]
"No, no calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you." [b]he hugs a bit tighter[/b]
[b]Tiberius keeps squirming for a few minutes before giving up with a sigh[/b]
[b]he laughs and looks back to Satan[/b] "This is gonna sound weird, but can I keep him?"
[b]Tiberius quickly looked up at Wheatley[/b] He seems rather scared by that option...and that's rather weird to ask considering how I'm his father
"Okay never mind that's creepy." [b]he puts him down[/b] "Is he speaking to me?"
He asked why you'd ask for something like that
"I dunno, he seems unliked by his siblings, so I figured he'd like to escape them."
Oh they love him but they're just very..dominant because he's the youngest
"Dawwww. That sucks."
The youngest always get the most attention
"I wouldn't know, I'm the youngest, and the last of a species and have been left alone for fifteen years at a time..."
You're so oblivious...I've been watching you closely to make sure you don't cause too much trouble [b]He sees Tiberius walking around the shadow nibbling at its leg and whining[/b]
"Ow... You okay?" [b]he hugs the dog again[/b] "What? Even back on the Avalon, on corra?"
I take an interest in all when they're at a young age...if they keep my interest I watch them until they die
"And what did I do to be so "interesting?"
You're an insufferable and shameless bastard [b]the shadow version is replaced with the real in a gust of flame and Tiberius starts reaching out and whining[/b]
[b]he stares at the dog and tries to help it, patting out the flames[/b] "I am rather shameless, but seriously WHAT DID I DO?!"
You simply refuse to give up even when I have a blade against your throat [b]the flames turned blue and instead of burning they're cold, he takes Tiberius from Wheatley's arms and his face violently licked[/b]