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Edited by Deteradax: 2/29/2016 3:05:02 PM

Alliterate Soldiers community members spotlight "IIIKILLFESTIII"

Every week we will be throwing the spotlight on one or more of our Clan members, this is to showcase our community and the clan as a whole. Each week we ask members to answer 10 questions relating to their gaming past, destiny experience and membership to the Clan. [b]IIIKILLFESTIII[/b] US Recruitment Admin [b]1. Why did you choose that gamertag and what is the background to it[/b] I chose IIIKILLFESTIII because ><Killfest>< was taken and that was my old Socom I and II name for a clan called ToS Target on Sight. We use to be serious with clanwars way back then. [b]2. Why did you decide to join the Alliterate Soldiers[/b] The person who got me into Destiny wasn't good at it and wasn't around so I went to the forums looking for like-minded individuals. There I found AlSo. [b]3. What do you like the most about the Clan[/b] The thing I love the most about this clan? The people. Most are super helpful and have common goals. Most are welcoming and have a very casual and enjoyable time for others. [b]4. What would you like to see added to improve the Clan[/b] Man Free Beer Fridays would rock. Though more community events would be nice. [b]5. What is your first or main character including set up I.e subclass[/b] My main is a 319 Hunter, Nightstalker. Though I really enjoy my Titan. [b]6. What are your favourite weapons i.e primary, special and heavy[/b] Favorite weapons? Primary, Hung Jury -- best all around scout. Secondary, sidearms. I have eight sidearms with different rolls that I use on my toons. Heavy, Unseeing Eye. That machine gun eats guardians alive. [b]7. What is your favourite game type and why[/b] I love the pve content the best, but if I had to pick would be Crimson Doubles. I really enjoyed it. [b]8. What is your fondest moment from playing Destiny[/b] Fondest moment? Kings Fall was out. Hard mode wasn't announced yet and I was working hard on getting the raid down. I was on my Hunter as Nightstalker and we were on Warpriest. Five of the six on my team screwed up running to the side right before the stacks ended and they died. I kept my cool and smoked myself and resurrected the whole team and we went to finish WP. [b]9. What keeps you playing Destiny[/b] The players. The friends that I've made here and investing my time into new guardians and watching them grow and learn. [b]10. What is the current in-game goal you're trying to complete[/b] To improve my target acquisition time and improve my neuro response time. [b]You can also follow IIIKILLFESTIII on stream @[/b] [b]YouTube[/b] [b]Twitch[/b]

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