Edit: Wow thank you guys for the awesome response hopefully this has a chance to be #MOTW worthy!
Edit: We made it to the creations page! #MOTW Can we do it? = P: Thank You!
Amazing! Someone needs to redub this with the Jim Ross treatment.
That was awesome. I don't care if it was planned with the other team or not.
I'd be so mad lol
Damn Dan... Err I mean Nighthawk!
#motw now bungo
Vid of the week. That was cracking fair play.
That was tight
When these things come far and few, they are always good
I dropped a like. Nice Nova bomb!
That was epic!
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear bonds.
Nicely done. I'd hate you if I ever did trials and this happened.
Very nice. Not a map I thought this possible on. Thanks for sharing. Lol, it's videos like these that have me trying crossmaps myself (no luck yet but getting closer :)) and also checking the sky everytime I go in for heavy. While the rest of team is looking about for enemy, I'm looking up for nova bombs. I must look like a proper noob to those who don't know about this ha ha.
That is awesome but I am not impressed cuz I known Nova Bomb tracking perk there. No way that is called lucky...but seriously, that is awesome.
Damn fam
You are godly. Warlock master race!
Lord Shaxx just jizzed in his pants so explosively that every woman in the Tower was impregnated (and his pants too)
"Nice work Guardian!"
That was epic. Takes me back to the good old days of the voidwalker
Edited by MARUE45: 2/29/2016 10:47:21 AMYo that nova bomb just killed me bungie nerf It Deej: don't worry guys we hear your problems and are nerfing fusion rifles.
I'd be less annoyed by that than getting sniped by a 1kys. GG, ultimate warlock shit right there.