If hunters and Titans get graviton forfeit and twilight garrison. Warlocks should get something too. What if they got a chest piece that pressing bb activated a 10 second over shield but at the cost of a quarter of your super or if you didn't have a super it would pull from grenade and melee charges equally
Warlocks are getting Transversive Steps. which are kind of underwhelming right now, but might change at some point, seeing as how they are not actually available yet.
The steps should increase movement speed not crouch speed that's idiotic
agreed. although I do like the automatic reload when picking up ammo of the same kind. that is pretty sweet, particularly in pve.
How about you just disappear to where you were 2-3secs ago. I mean warlocks are sorcerers.
That's a great idea for armor... call it the Sorcerer's Timepiece -ability to flash back 3 seconds (Glitch from BO3) -Infinite ammo if player flashes back to when they had the ammo -exclusively takes away the exotic limitations, allowing the user to carry all exotics at a time... including y2 ghally, vex, icebreaker, and thorn. -Negates all weapon nerfs for user. That's a nice idea bro.. definitely not op.
Bo3 special abilities aren't as strong as destiny.
Glitch isn't comparable to any Destiny super.
no you already op
Lol I don't know if this has any relevance to the post, but wouldn't it be interesting to see an exotic armor that grants a certain super or melee type no matter your subclass. For example, like it grants blink strike even if you are a gunslinger.
Warlock blinkstrike = long range, teleport, facepalm.
Lol i meant like only on the same class
Khepri's sting was kinda like that...crouching made you invisible and melee from behind was 4x
Edited by Boots: 2/29/2016 6:04:26 AMOh yeah, wait does that mean hunter knives did 4x too?
I don't think so but I could be wrong..I've never been good w throwing knives. I always used it for invisible golden gun
How about a side blink for your gauntlets? Hunter rolls, Titan does a jet pack boost to the side, and the warlock could do a teleport like a few feet without going up in the air
The ability loss would be over the time of the over shield and the shield would be slightly stronger than one from a res