So I was shooting holes in people in mayhem rumble and popping my dome and all of a sudden this tiny level 29 was dancing at the end of my invective with no fear...I thought to myself "I am a defender, I must take this foundling under my care and into my dome! I must defend this innocence for the better of us all!"
Am I the only one noticing this guy cheating? Standing still with no kills his super charges in about 25 [b][u]SECONDS[/u][/b], note he is not using bad juju when he does kill. His grenades charge in [u]5 [b]SECONDS[/b][/u]. I run Titans as a main, don't know of any iron banner gear (or any gear for the Titan period) that does that. ( if there is Titan gear that boosts these ability as mentioned above please let me know). Otherwise you, sir, have exposed yourself as a cheat and a fake, disgrace falls on your gamer tag son.