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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Taco: 2/29/2016 2:24:41 PM

Riddle me this Bungie

I've always been disappointed when they get community members (YouTubers) to talk to bungie and and ask questions. It's 100% scripted, and they don't ask real -blam!-ing questions. "Why does any other gaming company release patches and updates in a fifth of the time it takes you guys, and there's more in a single patch than you guys do in a year?" "Why no looking for group system in the actual game? You always talk about how this game is to be played with others, yet provided 0 eats for them to find each other. "Put down controller, open laptop and scour the Internet for people to play with" didn't sound dumb and lazy to you?" "Why have you made endgame stuff useless and irrelevant?" "Ever heard of Blizzard? They fixed Diablo 3 when it failed hard and disappointed the fans. They fired the creative lead guy in charge. Do you know how they fixed it? By listening to the fans, and doing what they wanted. In fact, I'm fairly certain they came to talk to you after vanilla was disappointing and told you 'you make a game for the people, for the player base, not for yourself.' And yet!" "Based on the above question, why does Luke Smith ignore their advice and constantly tell player how they should play the game, and that's not how he intended them to play, so it's being removed or nerfed ect." [b]addition[/b] "Luke smith also said he chose to not carry forward and y1 content, because he didn't want players to have to do. They were moving away from the grind, and bringing it forward would be too much for players. And yet TTK is more grind then y1 ever was. Classy Luke Smith." "Why is it so hard for you guys to understand there's a difference between PVP and PVE, and that you should nerf, buff and balancing each one separately (as in, don't nerf to the ground the best reward from the raid (mythoclast) because it wrecks in PVP. it should be powerful in PVE, but you killed it because it was strong in PVP)" "What's wrong with the crucible right now? Now I don't play it, but have seen many forum posts about it. Painting red bars green, super lag, being killed by invisible players, awful hit detection for melee (and everything else), lag lag lag." "What is wrong with your servers? Any other game that features multiplayer has smart match making (don't match teams against solo players), and skill based match making isn't a bad idea in theory, it's just poorly executed." "Let's talk smart loot table. This was a lie. Complete and utter lie. Just admit you 'forgot' to do it and implement it. If it is actually in the game, it's horrible, and needs to be reworked." "No one. [b]NO ONE[/b] said 'hey, I have too many weapon parts, wish we could get less.' Stop forcing players to grind more so they don't realize your game is empty. If you actually provided meaningful content it wouldn't be an issue." "I'm going to quote deej, not the exact word for word, but close: 'we never want to leave our players behind. When a new DLC comes out, we don't want our players to feel forced to buy it. They will always be able to carry forward. The last thing we want to do is leave our players behind.' Do you remember that deej? I sure do. So when TTK came out, did you decide to just screw over all those people that bought the game already but didn't want this new DLC? Did you feel it was right, it was justified to lock then out of content [i]they already paid for?[/i] Content such as the vendors, the nightfall, the weekly, trials of Osiris. All of which they paid for when buying destiny (HOW for trials). But you left them all behind. Exactly like you said you wouldn't. But hey, they didn't rebuy the entire game and every DLC along with the TTK, screw them! Right?" [b]Addition[/b] "Another thing deej has said over the course of destiny: light level and gear. When DB released they made everyone's hard work pointless. All gear was left behind. Then they said oops, the last thing we wanted to do was make all your gear and hardwork meaningless. So HOW was released and they allowed everything to be carried forward with a special item. Awesome. They stuck to their word. And then the TTK was released and they went back on their word. Again. Just like for many other issues. Have some consistency guys." "Is it so hard to admit mistakes? People make them. Companies make them. Revert your nightfall and weekly back to how it was Y1. Everyone liked if better. No one likes Y2." There's so many more. Please Feel free to add. TL/DR [spoiler]WHY BUNGIE LIE TO US AND NOT ACTUALLY LISTEN? HERE ARE QUESTIONS[/spoiler]
#Destiny #Deej #cake

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  • Bump

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    • Well King gothalion actually did some real questions at the HoW reef reveal

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      • Bump.

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        • I hope Bungie realizes how much of their fan base they are losing. Their jobs are literally at stake and they can't even straight up talk to their community. Pathetic Bungie, simply pathetic.

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          • This game is a quick cash grab. They're just milking it for what it worth and placing minimum effort into fixing the issues within it.

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            3 Replies
            • While I agree on most points... Are you new here? This is literally the 100th exact same post I've read you unoriginal -blam!-.

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              5 Replies
              • Ah, a great post. So I'm not surprised both Deej and Cozmo didn't reply. Let's bump this one until they do. Or PM both Deej and Cozmo. :-)

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                • Sorry but bungie listening to the "fans" Is the reason why this game is so shit rn

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                  2 Replies
                  • EVERYTHING about Destiny has been a LIE. Bungie was the best, NOW is a FRAUD. No 'code of conduct' no 'trust' NO PURCHASE - NO MORE

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                    • Note taken. Nerf fusion rifles, -Bungie.

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                      • Edited by BoomboxCollosus: 2/29/2016 6:21:59 AM
                        Destiny is a confused mess. I got duped into grinding endlessly the first year. after beating taken king i'm just sick of it. level up to do the same sh1t on a higher difficulty, Bite me bungie. I boycotted this crap after hearing about more dance moves and superfluouse BS in crimson and won't be back for another 'shafting'. This game is a time waster for juvenile loners and once they grow up they'll realize what a waste of time their lives were spent playing your repetitive, lazy game. I grinded sooo hard before Tk to prepare and felt like a noob with the make shift crap I was FORCED to dawn as my hard earned gear was scrapped and made pointless. bungie is and unreliable and arrogant game developer and , just like any liar in a relationship, your ass is on the curb. kiss your kids goodnight knowing you're sell outs and have 'values' that only have dollar signs attached, jag offs.

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                        • No gear was left behind after DB. You could literally use Etheric Light to upgrade Vanilla Destiny gear.

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                          • Someone got it right finally.

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                            • 3
                              Whenever I hear or see "Riddle me this" I think of the endless nightmares of the riddler in the batman arkham games.

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                            • People have been saying similar to this for months! And the only time Bungie ever takes action is when there is a mass fallout across the community. What also makes things worse is that the Bungie Devs and Community managers spend the vast majority of their time on Reddit and Twitter as apposed to their very own forum. There is a complete lack of communication between Bungie and the community, and the gap is widening every day that goes by. Drip feeding info to the community info about DLC's, saying things have been implemented and haven't been, not listening to the PvE side of the community on weapon balancing, to mention but a few things only worsens the situation. It's a sad, sorry state of affairs right now, to the point I've stopped playing this past week for the first time in nearly 19 months across 2 consoles, and it's because I'm bored, and there is absolutely nothing to do! Even Iron Banner was its usual equation of Laggy, Tepid Matches + Unrewarding so called endgame drops, which = an utter waste of time! I'll be playing The Division as of the 8th, and if there is no significant improvement in the next DLC, then that's where I'll be staying [b][i]ClassyGit[/i][/b]

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                              • You know why these questions aren't asked? Because these are criticisms. Don't get me wrong, criticism can be good, but what would asking these questions live to Bungie achieve? [b]Nothing. Absolutely nothing.[/b] Actually, I take that back. It would serve the sole purpose of allowing members of the community such as yourself to vent your anger on [b]one[/b] member of the studio. Read over your "questions" again. Ask yourself, honestly, how are they supposed to answer? If there is no answer they can give you that will satisfy you, why bother asking them in the first place? Instead you will find the members of the community asking more sensible and mature questions, making constructive criticism. Again, don't get me wrong, there is a place for "discussions" such as these, but that place is not directly demanding them of a few individuals who work within Bungie. tl;dr If there is no answer they can give you that will satisfy you, why bother asking them in the first place?

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                              • All the desticles will tell you to stop complaining. Don't listen the morons - Destiny is the biggest let down in recent gaming history as far as I'm concerned.

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                                16 Replies
                                • Yeaaaaah...i'ma just go ahead and not read any of that. Also gonna mute you, just in case.

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                                • The reason they don't ask that is because they aren't idiots like you who believe that

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • I can answer most of those questions in one simple way. They have left this game in the dark. Honestly, I cant blame but at the same time they have dug themselves in a hole so big that they cant get out. They showed us the real destiny back in 2013, then of course everything went to shit. Activisions demands and the rough development process after 2013 destroyed the game. Look at how bad this game is atm, we dont get any communication from bungie, we barley get any patches worthwhile. We havnt gotten genuine new content in 5 -blam!-ing months. They have moved on, and they have evens stated that. Destiny 2 development is the answer to most of your questions. Im hoping to god, by leaving this game behind, they can make the next one what we all wanted from destiny. The huge open world, complex and detailed rpg and progression elements. A universe for us to experience, an actual damn story. Variety in bosses, enemies and level design. Unique locations, cool events and gamemodes.

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                                  • Bungie only really listens to the PVP crowd and the fanboys sadly. Any one else is deemed at hater, troll, entitled, sissy, spoiled or snow-flake. That is why Destiny will never go beyond bad or average because they don't listen real fans that want a game that is great for everyone. Then again, when you have a bunch of mindless idiots that throw money at the screen for every emote, tracking book, level-up packs, and other stupid micro-transaction what's the point in making meaningful updates, events, and content?

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                                    • Its bungievision, not playervision. they don't give a damn.

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                                    • I advise you put this on the feedback page where it is more likely to be seen

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                                      • Bungie will never answer you so stop wasting your time idiot.

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                                      • If you believe anything coming from bungie, your new here, extremely gullible, or work for bungie.

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                                        • This is why I ditched this piece of crap.

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