Answer is1 STFU
You also work it from left to right Not multiplication first STFU
Implied multiplication into parenthesis comes [b][i][u]FIRST[/u][/i][/b]
No,first you do parentheis,then you do left to right.
Try it with pemdas
Did you read the thread? In pemdas implied multiplication comes [b][i][u]BEFORE[/u][/i][/b] displayed multiplication
Edited by Æsir: 2/27/2016 4:58:42 AMAnd using your google calculator Answer is 9 STFU
-!topic/websearch/kZkTv_WTSxA A [b][i][u]MILE LONG THREAD[/u][/i][/b] that says google calc is wrong as google calc does not weigh implied multiplication first before displayed multiplication and as a result comes up with the wrong solution
Dude you're wrong, fact. Grow up and get over it.
- When you can do math that complex and get it right 100% then ill consider your point Till then STFU its 1 not 9
Wow, you're an actual retard. I Will Go And Find You Some Crayons.
[quote]Wow, you're an actual retard. I Will Go And Find You Some Crayons.[/quote] Ded.