What if ALL Legendary GUNS DROPS were for a package at the gunsmith and you get to cash it in and pick from three options. It would be VERY similar to the Weaponsmith packages. (only issue is raid weapons have a very limited amount of perks so I'm not entirely sure how to handle them). Engram will still be random but if you get a party crasher at the end of a match you go to the gunsmith and pick which one you want.
Just an idea (creating something similar for armor would also be great, no one needs sidearm reload on raid arms or any for that matter)
What do you guys think?
edit1: Some great ideas for how to change how weapon drops currently work in the game. Maybe bungie will see some of this.
edit2: In reference to someone mentioning the package could change if leveling up a reputations It may be cool if the rolls changed every reset if you really really hate your choices
there's a game that I think did well with a system similar to destinys perk system. they called it the potential system and you had to climb a ladder of tiers to make the weapon better. you don't got to watch the whole video. https://youtu.be/CgFmInGQJKc the tiers were common (no potential) rare epic unique legendary sorry for not going to into detail but a system like this would be interesting. since you would have to spend ingame resources to climb the ladder of tiers and rolls. I promise to elaborate what can be done with this system after I get out of work