i need to make a 4TB drive for my xbox one(i had to delete several things i wanted to keep to make room for [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/1255/f/2010/185/0/b/hola__moustache_evolved_by_mistercake.png]Hola 5[/url] and it's huuuuuuge 22.5GB patch). i know getting a WD Black is g2g, but i need to also get an enclosure or dock and seem to only find 2.5" ones.
why do this project? it's way cheaper than getting the 2TB xbone specific model and has a faster speed and bigger capacity. just as fragile, and i'm ok with lesser looks for a cheaper price on my electronics
anybody(including PC guys) know where i can get a 3.5" HDD Dock or Enclosure for this? the laptop sized 2.5" won't work unless i wanted to use an SSD and i don't. price per GB is still too high for me to use a SSD outside of my rig.