-Ghost Flashlight toggle
-Map tab with team objective markers
-Mini-map when the ghost is out
-color toggle option so my 360 isn't needlessly over taxed by blinding effects from the taken and such.
-Make all armor shader able; class items and armor no exceptions.
-use old strike areas and closed doors to make random dungeons in patrol.
-add Friendly NPC's to protect or help
-add animals to fight along side with or against.
-Add seasons to patrol mode
-add seasonal public events; protect civilians/fight bad guys while a snowstorm/sandstorm/moonquake/meteor shower/solar flare/Corrosive Gass venting goes on in the background.
-Crucible mode with said hazards.
-Bullet drop off and pellet scatter
-Bullet windage(next-gen only)
-Simidestructable environment like borderlands.
-Alternate path like Diablo 3
-Submachine guns(secondary)
-Flame throwers(heavy)
-Grenade launchers(heavy)
-magnums(heavy pistols)
-Bolt-actions(heavy sniper rifles)
-war hammers and war axes(heavy)
-bows and crossbows(primary)
[b]IN GAME GRIMOIRE ACCESS[/b] [spoiler]You should also add: -Realistic Ballistics; bullet drop, windage, and pellet dispersal(Next Gen Only) -Map Tab, place rally points to go to. -Mini map toggle while ghost is out that gets functionality from the Map Tab. -Pets in places of sparrows(Dreadnaut usable) -Prehistoric Mounts in place of sparrows -Alternate ghost voices and shells that are not just a retouching of the ones we already have. -Ghost Flashlight toggle -Coloring effects toggle option so my 360 isn't needlessly over taxed by blinding effects from the taken and such. -Make all armor shader able; class items and armor no exceptions. -use old strike areas and closed doors to make random dungeons in patrol. -add Friendly NPC's to protect or help -add animals to fight along side with or against you in Patrol. -Add seasons to patrol (Next gen only) -add seasonal public events; protect civilians/fight bad guys while a snowstorm/sandstorm/moonquake/meteor shower/solar flare/Corrosive Gass venting goes on in the background. (Next gen only) -Crucible mode with said hazards(next gen only) -Simidestructable environment like borderlands. -Alternate path like Diablo 3 -Submachine guns(secondary) -Flame throwers(heavy) -Grenade launchers(heavy) -magnums(heavy pistols) -Bolt-actions(heavy sniper rifles) -war hammers and war axes(heavy) -bows and crossbows(primary)[/quote]