Let's hope this Saturday I get drunk and play some destiny with my friends!!! Will I get better or will I just be god awful !!! Come drink with me on twitch.tv/ninaplease
atch AoxGodz with me on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/aoxgodz Watch, subscribe, donate, comment!! You'll have a chance to be carried to the lighthouse! Playing all night! Doing raffles later.!
Need 2 really good people that can hold their own weight and know what to do looking for an every week group add Lucky_g1211 for inv
I'm 317 light and can hold my own. Trying to go flawless, fresh run. Still need 2, add Avelgist.
313 Titan (Striker) Experienced + Going flawless Guns: Doctrine Glass Promontory Truth 1.26kd Great Communication and Team work Can hold my own LF 1.30Kd+ No kids Ad NaNiiiCo
Need 2 for trials must be great at crucible. 1.5 kd+ and at least 1500elo add same name as above
Need 8 more for secret exotic farm add biggy_209
I like to get drunk and then show up everyone on my team. I don't know if that means I'm good when I'm drunk or everyone else is terrible in general.
The first raid that me and my friends from work attempted to complete was the vault of glass when it first became available. I made the mistake of drinking straight kraken rum and my buddies noticed how bad it was getting so they decided to join in on the fun. One of the most enjoyable times I've ever had playing destiny and on the floor. [spoiler]went from full bottle to empty in a span of 3 hours[/spoiler] [spoiler]we were too drunk to get passed the templar[/spoiler]
I have been playing IB and i take 1 shot for a loss and 2 shots for a win... I only can play in about 2 hour blocks so i never get plastered just feeling it for sure
I'll be playing drunk either Friday or Saturday. I usual don't last long if I drink too much, though. I hope to pace myself this time.
Take a shot everytime you get killed by a 1k stare.
Crotas end drunk is amazing
Perhaps I'll just do a shot for every win 😊😊