This world is full of negativity. But that should never stop us from counting our blessings, even if it's the little things that make us smile :)
So tell me, Offtopic: What's the best thing that has happened to you this week?
For me, it's meeting up with my best friend who I haven't seen in 9 years! I missed her so much ^-^
I got the girl I like to talk to me for a bit. I asked her if she wanted to hang out and her response was. "Not really" [spoiler]:([/spoiler]
Finally finished producing a song I've been working on for 2 years. Too bad it's terrible.
Today I got unbanned from offtopic!
Beating uncharted: drake's fortune
Well I mean, I got my lootcrate. But that's about it. Pretty uneventful week.
Nothing like a good reunion, eh? [b]Professional[/b] It's busy season at my job, and my boss is a bit of a hardass. Being a hardass is not necessarily a bad trait, but I am petrified of saying/doing the wrong thing when she asks a question (it always seems like I'm not doing something right). However, she does give credit where credit is due, and we were able to tackle a big issue with relative ease and be prepared for when it rears its ugly head again next month. [b]Personal[/b] I decided I wanted to do some lip syncing in Flash for the first time in years. While I know I won't make anything extravagant, I'm always happy to return to an old hobby (and always surprised how quickly it comes back to me). [b]Social[/b] My friend finally got us all into D&D last year. However, he was always the DM and hasn't been able to actually enjoy a campaign in years. He taught me how to DM, and now I'm hosting a game for them. He's delighted to finally have surprises, and my other friends are also happy to murder stuff.