arc burn, lightswitch, exposure and trickle? lets do it.....
Edited by KayOsS882: 2/25/2016 2:59:23 PMTeam: Lets hide in the room in the back and revive me when I die. 10 mins: the wizards are coming in. Guardian down! Guardian down! Dead Teammate 1&2: be careful don't die . Teammate 3; I'm getting blasted guys Guardian down! Back to orbit.
Omnigul with rainbow burn. Hardest nightfall ever.
Rainbow burn always means gally wins within 10 seconds, otherwise you're doing it wrong
Imagine a year 2 Omnigul nf with rainbow burn and match game...might as well be a raid lol
Lol pretty much. Especially with the burn damage nerf from 3x to 2x. I imagine everyone would use Zhalo until the boss room
Those were dark times. Thunder lord, Found Verdict, and Fang of Ir Yût
For me it was Fang because of the bonus damage against hive majors. Plus Light of Abyss...bonus damage against hive majors.. AND! My Arc Steel Oracle with tracking and field scout!
Exactly, Fang was so much more useful in that sense.
No.. It was fatebringer, found verdict, (efrideets spear for me) and Gjallarhorn.
Maybe for everything else, but not the Onmigul Nightfall. Fang had increased damage to hive majors.
Thunder lord beasted a lot harder than ghorn with arc on. Fang was a lot funner that Fatebringer imo.
Because it took more work? And no, Ghorn was always better.
Getting salty bro? I'm just giving my preference, Jesus Christ lol. All I'm saying is that Thunderlord was a lot more effective when arc burn was on. Ghorn was good for solar. Considering Omnigul has an arc shield, Thunderlord was always my go-to. And I just prefer scout rifles over hand cannons.
I used steel oracle arc rocket launcher with tracking and field scout... but another strat that works...is have one person use thunderlord to get her shield down...and tell the other guy to fire two GHorn Rockets...
That's why Ghorn was nerfed... It was better than the arc weapons on the arc burns.. Plus people couldn't get it
Damn peasants that didn't have a G-horn... ruined the GAME!!!
No it wasn't this is a myth that has been busted over and over again. Ghorn was no more effective during a void or arc burn than a rare lmg or rocket launcher with h&h or tracking.
Correction on void burn a horn did more damage than the truth
Nope. I can't find the post anymore but there was a comprehensive damage test of all legendary and exotic launchers. Basically gally did about 5k damage vs a major or ultra of the same level. Every other launcher did about 3.5k damage. Now void and arc burns added a 3x damage modifier 3.5×3=10.5k damage per rocket. And then if you take the example of omnigul w/ her arc shield and you using an arc launcher. Against shielded enemies using the correct element is about twice as effective as not using the right element so recapping. 3.5×3×2=21k damage (then the standard 10.5 each rocket after the shield went down) Vs 5k. That's it (Note. I can't find the exact post so I'm just going off memory here but even if legendary rocket launchers only hit for 2k they would still do over 6k with the burn and still be more effective with a burn) Now there is one argument that does support your thesis of using gally no matter what. [b]Boss Flinch[/b] with gally your dps is spread out over a longer period of time while the wolf pack rounds hit the target keeping them flinched. This can obviously be a valuable asset when dealing with burns as obviously those burns effect you just as well as the boss. [b]TLW[/b] [b]Gally[/b]is the best when there are NO burns or a solar burn. But in other burn senario you should switch to a weapon that will utilize that burn to its fullest.
From personal experience against sekrion with void burn the ghorn out dpsed truth
https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/114997911/0/0 Found the post haha Another thing is I'm not sure how WoL would factor into those calculations. Just from the math and my personal experince gally was AMAZING but it wasn't that game breaking. Note: for non shielded enemies Black hammer was probably always the way to go if you could connect head shots lol
And Lightswitch. Thrall were Gods...