"[spoiler]Arms---- -Increased strength -Increased reflexes Legs--- -Increased speed -Increased jump height -Ability to go full spider, 4 legs each side. (Middle two have feet, front/back two are sharpened) Chest--- -Synthetic organs -Tightly woven flesh, increased damage resistance Head--- -Thermal/FLIR/Night Vision (at will) -Lock-On vision (lock on to targets) Overall--- -Shielding (Can resist multiple laser shots before being taken down -Can overcharge and create an EMP[/spoiler]"
"Alright. I'm going to put you under and get to work"
"Aight" [b][i]She says, lying dien[/i][/b]
[b]she injects you with the anesthesia and you wake up a few hours later with all of the cybernetics installed[/b]
[b][i]She awakens with a rush, her cybernetics all activating and recalibrating at once. [/i][/b]"Damn..."
"Take it easy. You still need some time to recover"
"Aye, I'll just lay here for a bit. Thank you, Angela."
"Any time. But keep in mind these enhancements will need a lot of maintenance for the first few weeks while your body adjusts to them"
"Aye, got it. Thanks."
"Don't mention it"