"I've probably heard worse, so sure, knock yourself out. Metaphorically of course." He says, patching you up
[b]he talks incredibly fast and with incredibly fast hand movements[/b] "WEEEEEEEEEELLL it all starts on a little planet named "corra" a jungle planet covered in leaves trees And tiger demons. Our little race, now. As Corovians by us and Wisps by them, evolved out of the jungle. As our species is much younger than humanity I guess somehow our bodies found a way to be a complete jackass and hide a vitamine we NEED TO SURVIVE In human flesh, the younger the better. SOOO when the Avalon came by to investigate the missing hunters to hunt our abominations against nature of a species, they don't even bother to negotiate aaaand glass the planet. I am the third generation of the remains of what survived. The hunters used to and stills do sew our mouths shut as a form of torture, as we cannot eat, we would starve over a week, the longest period we can survive without consuming human flesh. That good enough for ya, homie?"
"Yeah. So if we could find the chemical and put it into, let's say steak as an example, it would be fine?"
Probably, but you'd need to kill a TON of people to make that practical. It's something about a HUMAN BEING that actually makes it work, I don't know man... But when I starve you can eat me! I've heard wisp is good grilled medium well, and our skins are worth quite a bit on the black market!"
"Let's not jump to conclusions here. Hm. Yeah, I'm out of ideas."
"Me too... Well... See ya in hell."
"If I ever get there."
"Hehe... You will eventually, everyone does."
"Well, when I do I'll make sure I've got some good stories."
"You've got the story of watching a dude starve right in front of you, the time you nearly killed a dude using nothing by training rounds, the time you saw a cannibal, the time you destroyed a race, all in one day..."
"Wasn't me. I'm calling BS on that last one. Or, at least it wasn't your race. I -blam!-ing hate giant spiders."
"Nope, I'm pretty damn close to the last of my peeps, so you basically just killed a race..." [b]his stomach growls and wimpers, begging his mouth to answer its feeble cries for help[/b]
"Hey, I said don't eat anyone on the ship. And also, there might be a way to get you what you need. I have some... Connections. Not legal ones, but still."
"I need food man, I have people I need to protect I can't just starve right now when they need me most."
"I'll call him up. How many do you need?"
"Trust me, I can get you as many as you need."
"Got it." He says, and starts a call. "Hey, Dreno. What do you mean this is his son? Right, drifting in space. Anyways, you just finish any big jobs? GREAT! Send the bodies to me, in cryo. No I'm not paying, I saved your dads ass AND yours way more than o should have."
"Heh... You sound like Tara speaking to my brothers..."
"Alright. Yeah, just lock in the coordinates. Daddy did teach you to do that, right? Good, I'll talk to you later." He says. "Kids, am I right?"
"I was one of em.... Killed my first man when I was four, poor bastard didn't bother to look up, stabbed em through the skull with a dagger from an air vent..."
"Nice. My first kill was when I was three. Shot him right in the neck."
"I procceded to eat the corpse and stow the bones for our mental warfare tactics..."
"Nice. I was escaping a military testing compound. That's how I have pyrokeisis."