[b]wheatley returns to the [i]infinite,[/i] after being stuck in an arena, nearly killed by thugs, nearly killed by the medics that healed him from said thugs, and learned that the majority of his adopted family had died. He sits on his mattress in the hangar, off to the side against a wall. He watches from his elevated position as the ship and mechanics wander about and perform their basic routines. His stomach rumbles.[/b]
"Oh god, not now..."
[b]Angela drops down out of an air duct and lands next to you[/b] "Hey Wheatley"
"Hello. May I ask what you where doing in a vent? I'm used to living in them."
"Well I'm not exactly supposed to be on the ship"
"Neither am I, but I've done something like this before, no one really cares at this point."
"So it would seem"
"You wouldn't know if any of the mechanics or guards here are human, would you..." [b]his stomach growls and his eyes desperately scan the hangar for someone that wouldn't be noticed if they dissapeared.[/b]
"I don't think so."
"Well... I'll see you in hell..." [b]his stomach grumbles again, pleading for human flesh[/b]
[b]she backs up slowly putting her hand on the pistol on her hip[/b]
"I'd run..."
[b]she draws her pistol and Max runs over [/b] [Max]"Do you require assistance ma'am" [Angela]"Restrain him Max" [b]Max approaches you. He towers over you at 8 feet tall[/b]
[b]Loud clangs are heard on the ceiling[/b]
"Dreath?" [b]he looks up[/b]
[b]Its Grulex and he's climbing around on the ceiling inspecting everything the engineers are doing[/b]
"Sup man..."
[b]He nods his head in recognition[/b]
[b]he throws a piece of a kidney at him half, heartedly and tries to go to sleep[/b]
[b]He snatches it and sniffs it[/b] "human?"
[b]He eats it[/b] "hmm"
"Your a wisp?"
"No, Jura. I just thought the taste was interesting"
"It tastes better with the first born babies. That is from a 36 year old middle child"
"Hmm, probably is an acquired taste"
"It's one of necessity. Humans have a vitamin within them that wisps need to survive... I'm sorry if this is weird..."