[i]Standing up, he ripped the top of his jumpsuit off, and watched, blood dripping down his back.[/i]
They're like more annoying Deathclaws... Claws ain't as sharp though...
[i]"Twice the size and anger though, hate em for it"[/i] [b]She watches as Legend slices one of their doors clean off, and yet somehow the footless one overpowers its foe, a sickening twist is head as it shoves its claws clean through its foes gut, letting it drop dead The crowd goes insane then, cheering on the small group[/b]
Meh. Seen a couple of matriarchs about that big in the Glowing Sea. Saw one in Hopeville that was bigger, Marked Men called it Rawr.
[b]She busts out laughing, only to be interrupted by Legend A course exchange of words, she rushes off, to kill the beast[/b] [spoiler]read the post below, you'll find it[/spoiler]