[b]he returns with a burrito, already half eaten.[/b]
"Don't... Move." [b]his cognae... Excuse me melnoch turns into a red snake and curls around his arm, a sword bald protrudes from its mouth as he approaches[/b]
[b]He pulls his gun from his holster and kneecaps that bitch in a second. [/b] "Yeah, I'm just gonna no..."
[b]he falls and rolls under a ship[/b] "SORRY, SORRY I WAS HUNGRY..."
"sorry, calm down man. Also if I was a fatass, how did you not Notice I'm on your shoulder." [b]wheatley is suddenly on his shoulder[/b]
[b]He slowly pushes him off[/b] "Teleportation..?"
Edited by Cosmic: 2/23/2016 10:32:56 PM"I weigh virtually nothing." [b]he falls off and doesn't even bother to move, he lands flat on his face[/b]
"That's... Interesting...."
"Cuz I haven't eaten in awhile... Which is why I devoured that bag and tired to devour you... I also can't walk now..." [b]he looks down to his wounded knee[/b]
"Yeah, I can cook, y'know.... I'll make a grande feast! And not out of you!"
"Define "feast."
"All you can eat buffet"
Edited by Cosmic: 2/23/2016 10:50:17 PM"....." [b]he goes wide eyed, staring into space as a grin creeps across his face[/b]
[b]He looks at the situation with a raised eyebrow, clearly curious as to wtf is happening this time, though he soon turns away and walks into the kitchen. Once he's inside said kitchen delicious smelling smells of smelliness invade Wheatley's nose. [/b]
[b]He smells the Delicious smells of smelly smelliness and follows the scent [/b]
[b]Upon entering the kitchen he sees a very steamy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) situation; a very oiled up, shining piece of pork, a A very juicy looking turkey, a bowl of very crispy looking taters, a plate filled with pastries, and a can of beer. [/b]
[b]he jumps Into the airvents and steals the taters, still incredibly hot and scalding his hands.. He doesn't care, he takes em and watches him cook from the vents, hoping he wasn't seen[/b]
"WHEATLEY, THIS FOOD IS FOR YOU SO DON'T BE SHY" [b]Aleks yells as he pulls the oven open and pulls a very steamy pepperoni pizza out.[/b]
[b]by the time he turns around all of it is gone, including teh pizza you where just holding . Wheatley laying on the floor[/b] "I think I'm good now..."
"I had more.... Like chicken... And cheeseburgers... It's a carnivorous menu, really... I even had some kidneys"
"Damn it... I have someone to give it to though..."
"Go for it.... Give it to someone else, keep it for later..."
[b]he takes as much as he can carry and walks down a hall[/b]
"Bye! See ya later"