[spoiler]I was really tempted to make him reply with "Someone looks amazing" but I didn't... [/spoiler]
[b]He looks up from his plate, and at the source of the sound. [/b]
"Heh, cooking is my specialty..."
[spoiler]I was starting to wonder if you were capable of restraint xD[/spoiler] [b] She turns her head with a bit of surprise as she hears a familiar voice of her own addressing her statement.[/b] "Welly welly welly, never seen you around here before" [b]She says with a knowing smile.[/b]
[spoiler]He isn't flirting yet... YET [/spoiler] "Can definitely say the same about you, lass" [b]He says like he really doesn't know her[/b]
"Eleif Placeeb" [b]She says lifting her hat a bit[/b]
"Aleks Gorbachev" [b]he replies, lifting his open hand as a greet[/b]
[b]She takes a potato and begins to eat.[/b] "Tell me something" [b] She begins speaking with her mouth full.[/b] "How would a couple of stowaways attract the least amount of suspicion on a large ship of people who fight for a living" [b]She finishes munching and gulp down her bite[/b]
"Fight for a living, I guess... Blend in with the majority" [b]He stabs a potato with his fork before sticking it into his mouth[/b]
"Hiding with the majority seems like a no-brainer sure. But, what if said stowaway hid in plain sight, somewhere higher where people would look and say 'no way' "
"Heh.... I'd say that I have no idea, honestly..."
"Just some food for thought to along with out food" [b]She shrugs.[/b]
"Food for thought, we're eating food... Eating thoughts.... Thinking thoughts about eating food and thoughts, what kind of food? I once served a cat... Chinese restaurants are weird..... Hmm..." [b]he continues to ramble to himself for a bit [/b]
"Your mind sure does wander places"
[b]He jolts his head up, seemingly confused as his eyes roll around for a bit[/b] "Huh..? Oh yeah, it really does..."
"You read by any chance, as a hobby I mean"
"Oh hell yes, I read a lot! Cook books, Japanese manga things, fantasy books, medieval books..."
"Jolly! Here have a one" [b]She hands you a flyer.[/b] [i]Enigmatic Bard: I rent books out from my quarters, rate of 3 credits per day. If interested see Eleif.[/i]
[b]He takes the flyer and his eyes dartle over the paper, reading it in an instant [/b] "So you got your own little business? Cool, I always wanted something like that"
"You can cook"
"Well yes, but I don't really have my own business thing"
"You can start one easily by cooking things not available in the mess hall. Pastries perhaps?"
"Ooh... Though I doubt that pastries alone could make a business"
"You've clearly never been to a doughnut shop then, or a cafe"
"Yeah, but that sell coffee and stuff too... Luckily I can make that too.... Hmm... Coffeeshop... Weed, no? Maybe... Though I can't sell drugs.... Wait, isn't caffeine a drug.... It is.... Oh my, I'm gonna be a drug dealer...."
"That business isn't as exciting a shows make it out to be, so you know"
"Huh? I was talking about caffeine. Coffee is filled with it, caffeine is considered a drug... I think, so I'm gonna be a drug dealer"
She looks around. "And I was talking about drug running"