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Edited by Eiffiks: 2/22/2016 4:36:01 PM

On Ikora Rey's Secret Service - Part 3: Never say Hunter again

[quote]Link to previous parts: part 1: the Hive who killed me [url][/url] part 2: From Russia with Void [url][/url][/quote] [b]Never say Hunter again[/b] Back in their booth, after the end of what Domino called the (almost) most boring patrol ever, Felix and Domino were reviewing the different candidatures they had received of guardians wanting to join their fireteam. - Aaaand another hunter… What don’t they understand about ‘vacancy for a warlock’? pested Felix. And listen to that: “I’ve always admired the skillful way in which Domino uses any gun in her hands, her way of blinking around maps in crucible, or how vicious she can be in her use of tripmines. Her proficiency in using all 3 hunter subclasses is a source of inspiration for me and joining her fireteam represents a unique chance for me to realize my full potential as a hunter…blablablabla” Beuaaaaa… - At least he writes better than this one: “A fireteam needs to share everything and have no boundaries. You want me in your fireteam. I want you.”… no thanks… - Hey… What about this one: “Warlock, sunsinger, max intellect” Sounds good so far. Maybe a bit too specialized, but hey… - Let me see: “dies a lot, but got self-rez”… hum…Damn it… I guess all good warlocks are taken already… - Well.. you know… I’ve been thinking… that warlock from the Cosmodrome, I…. - That’s a great idea Felix, interrupted Domino. But we know nothing about the guy, nor where to find him. We don’t even know his name. and it might have been a lucky shot. - A hell of a lucky shot then… We could do with some luck. As for his name, it… - Found him… cut Domino again. She nodded towards the bar. Felix turned around slowly and looked in the direction she indicated. Leaning on the counter in a very nonchalant yet stylish way was a tall black and white exo warlock. The dead orbit bond and shader he was wearing, the pulse rifle on his back, and the battered black helmet on the counter left little to no doubt about the fact that he was the Warlock of the Cosmodrome. Felix started to smile at the sight of the exo, seeming to lose himself in thoughts of the past. Domino looked at him in an interrogative way, but given she was not getting any response back, she stood up slightly irritated after a while and headed towards the counter, whispering in the human’s ear before leaving: - I got this, soft heart. She moved smoothly through the crowd, and came to a stop close to the guardian. - Excuse me - But of course. Would you like a drink, Miss….? - Dominique, but my friends call me Domino. A gin-tonic please. - Waiter, a gin-tonic for this charming lady please. And for me a Castrol-Martini please. Shaken, not stirred. - Right away, Sir… There you go. The warlock took the drinks and turned towards Domino, handing her the gin-tonic over. - To your health, Miss Domino. - To yours, Mister… - Oh, I’m sorry, where are my manners. The name is Bomb. Nova Bomb. [quote]Link to part 4: License to chill [url][/url][/quote]

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