[b]He drops himself on his ass and crosses his legs before grabbing an apple from one of his pockets[/b]
"Want one?"
"No, but thanks. I don't think I can eat with the thought of being inside a whale anyway"
[b]He suddenly begins to giggle like a little school girl[/b] "Hihi, isn't that the truth..."
"Just drop me off wherever, twas a pleasure doing business"
"Indeed... Prepare for a rough landing by the way, Matthew can't exactly... Land" [b]He taps the side of Matthew's mouth again, making him do a screwdriver into the ground which results in Suuz flying 5 feet into the air[/b]
[b]She jumps down and off.[/b] "Seeya onboard then lad! Just pretend we never met" [b]She yells as she waves.[/b]
"Will do, lass!" [b]he returns the wave as Matthew flies off and Suuz rams walks out of sight after landing [/b] [spoiler]ent[/spoiler]