'And that's still no way that i want you to go out.'
[i]"Atleast I'll go in battle, and find myself in Valhalla"[/i]
'I'd rather you die relatively peacefully and go to Folkvangr. Yeah, it's not as glorious, but its just as good.'
[b]She shrugs[/b] [i]"Which ever comes first"[/i]
'Unfortunately for the majority, no ones fate is set in stone, so that is a fair thing to say Katherine. Which isn't so bad, you meet plenty of good people along the way.'
[i]"True Now, before this gets depressing, we should check on Sigmar Make sure he managed to calm down"[/i]
'He's always calm, even when he's not.' Gorm clams his Storm Bolter to his thigh plate, and walks over to the Thunderhawk. Sigmar sits on the ramp, helmet in hand.
[i]"Okay, that doesn't seem natural"[/i]
'What doesn't seem natural? You're the one that picks at him for seeming emotionless.'
[i]"That's how he normally seems But, eh, he looks depressed or soemthing"[/i]
'Remember what i told you about earlier? Keep that in mind and look at him again. He very rarely looks like that in front of the rest of the Chapter.'
[b]She sighs, normally Sigmar was the strong silent guy everyone looked up to To see him like this....[/b] [i]"I'll just keep quiet [/i]
'Lets just leave him to his thoughts, last time I interrupted him he actually managed to drink enough mead to make himself drunk. We don't need that happening right now, because it didn't go so well last time.'
[i]"Ill, eh, yeah..."[/i] [b]She sighs, feeling bad for he man[/b]
'He'll be alright, just let him alone with his thoughts awhile. If he keeps on like this though, grief'll kill him. Nothing we can do though, come on, we'll find somewhere relatively clean to sit down and catch up.'
[spoiler]And cue reunion.[/spoiler]