"For those about to Doctrine of Banner I Salute you"
Let's call this gun what it is...
Mine have good perks and Is generally my go-to gun
Bump if you have one
Bump 2wice if you plan on using it in Iron banner
Bump a 3rd ti.e if people on the forums bitch about the fact you have one
And a special shout out to my crew
And lastly Destroyer7504 and hard nosed squeaker who is good at pvp and works hard and plays well
And thats my iron banner team
I'd like to congratulate them all for having the Doctrine of Passing for this upcoming iron banner
I think I might help Girlfriend clear trials at least up to 7 wins be for reset so we can be a Doctrine of 6 man Banner
Let me know what rolls you guys have on yours
I have one but hardly use it. This week's IB will mainly be a pulse or scout.