Seriously. I swear to goodness. No. I ain't talking about pronunciation. That, is Yall-Our-Horn. But I'm talking about how it's spelled. I always see people write "gjallerhorn" or "gjallahorn ". It's not hard people. Ar. Remember Ar. Like auto rifle. AR. If it was truly the best gun people would treat it with enough respect to call it by its proper name. At this rate i feel like everyone's a year two player who never knew what gjallarhorn was... But I can't complain about spelling... There's always the most simplistic spelling someone's gunna get wrong. Why do I even bother I have no idea.
People say (Cal-si-fied) instead of classified fragments. So annoying
Ghorn Gayhorn Galaharn Ggod Gellyhorn Its all about the G and the "horn"
Its hard to spell shitie
Is it hard to spell potato
Also how hard is it to spell simulant? Or wait the .........stimulant?
I remember pronouncing it the way it was meant to be pronounced and I received hell for it the first time around... even Deej himself mispronouncing it... Just like on Trials of Osiris people yelling out "he's absolute" when clearly he's still alive...
Complains about spelling [quote] gunna get wrong.[/quote] I'm 'going to' just leave it at that.
I think the correct spelling is "obsolete"
Take a look at half the posts on the forums here, gjallarhorn is the least of the spelling
Pretty sure it's ballerhorn
It's spelled "gally" or "ghorn". Cmon, everyone knows that...
Rename the title "Is it so hard to [u]spell[/u] Gjallarhorn"