She closes and puts away her laptop and makes her way towards her client. She him down and off the whale and helps him up.
"Tell me, why do you in on the Infinite anyway?"
"Wanted to get a bigger view of our galaxy, the universe, learn about planets..." [b]she says after he firmly planted his feet down[/b] "Why do you want to go there?"
"At first, I just wanted to see if I could break into the ship, now I'm just as curious as you about what's out there"
"Why would you want to break into the ship....?"
"Right right, by breaking into it I mean the code, not the physical ship itself. And I did it for the hell of it, challenges are one of the things that keep me motivated"
"Heh, interesting... So, you're a fan of hacking is what I'm guessing... Must be handy. Can you hack into say... A pacemaker to shut it down, or into a cybernetic augmentation?"
" Oh no, body augmentations don't run on artificial intelligence, or coding for that matter, a cybernetic depends solely on the nerves of whoever has it attached, not code, same with a pacemaker"
"Interesting..." [b]He drops himself on his ass and crosses his legs before grabbing an apple from one of his pockets[/b] "Want one?"
"No, but thanks. I don't think I can eat with the thought of being inside a whale anyway"
[b]He suddenly begins to giggle like a little school girl[/b] "Hihi, isn't that the truth..."
"Just drop me off wherever, twas a pleasure doing business"
"Indeed... Prepare for a rough landing by the way, Matthew can't exactly... Land" [b]He taps the side of Matthew's mouth again, making him do a screwdriver into the ground which results in Suuz flying 5 feet into the air[/b]
[b]She jumps down and off.[/b] "Seeya onboard then lad! Just pretend we never met" [b]She yells as she waves.[/b]
"Will do, lass!" [b]he returns the wave as Matthew flies off and Suuz rams walks out of sight after landing [/b] [spoiler]ent[/spoiler]