Firstly, [i]"Horror"[/i] is a bit of an exaggeration to get readers attention (Hopefully it works!)
What I really meant was share the [i]Private messages[/i] you have received from random people (Descriptively) on
> Random Trolling
> Guys hitting on you
> Hateful messages
> Death threats
> "Pics" (descriptively of course)
> Guys hitting on you
Why do I want to know about your "Horror Stories"?
It is because I want to remind people of how they behave on the forums.
My "Private message Horror Story":
[spoiler]I have only been a user here for a short period of time so I have yet any random privates messages to share with you.
But I do play games and every now and then you receive a hateful message randomly and I remember getting top player on the scoreboard and this guy who obviously got so mad he message me saying:
"Kill yourself, you suck!"
At first it felt like a death threat but really it was a hateful message, he came second place by the way. [/spoiler]
The website has a Code of Conduct meaning pictures or conversations with the other usernames is prohibit and counts as names shaming (unsure).
So I don't support the idea of name shaming but if you really really really want to name shame someone, well you have been warned.
I've had a few people here message me in an attempt to debate comments from religion topics, but they have come off as only sort of coherent spiritual mumbo jumbo, so I've ignored it. That's about it though.