We help one person at a time go flawless, especially people who have never been to lighthouse is the best to do with but if you want to go flawless this week and future weeks you can send a message to either
Jamba247 or op12-MG
And we'll get you signed up on a list and we'll follow down til we get everyone! Check out the twitch later in the day, and we are on Ps4 though...Hope to help some of you later
And come have some fun, yes totally free
310 nightstalker and bladedancer solid snipers need one for scarab we have 9-0 card add Jmattis_7 for an inv
310 nightstalker and bladedancer solid snipers need one for trials add Jmattis_7 for an inv
Need 1 for bounties only no mic needed add and join BIG-tee--
Need 1 for bounties
Need two for bounties only no mic needed add and join BIG-tee--
Need 1 for flawless run. Positive kd please, know how t follow a plan.
Looking for 2 for trials Add me walterc_91
Hey guys im going to be doing carries live on twitch if you want to go flawless this weekend go check me out at http://www.twitch.tv/coolkidzs15
Need 2 very good guardians add darksider1806 wanna go flawless
Need 2 for flawless run, aggressive approach. Know how to fall into a plan of action.
Need 2 for flawless run.
We'll be on very soon to help get people going!! Anymore who want to play send message here and we'll get to you soon!!
Need 2 people for flawless run I have scarab know what im doing must know how to COMMUNICATE! add vinny2shots
Hey guys im going to be doing carries live on twitch if you want to go flawless this weekend go check me out at http://www.twitch.tv/coolkidzs15
Hey guys im going to be doing carries live on twitch if you want to go flawless this weekend go check me out at http://www.twitch.tv/coolkidzs15
So how high of Light do I have to get to try and make a run? Never played trials before? Not good enough to even give it a try, just curious. Thanks.
Need help with getting flawless I'm a good player but no pro and need a good team. Add same as name. Thankyou
Carrying people flawless ! Good or bad, will try to take you to light house. No worries ! Go watch http://www.twitch.tv/defaultvortex He will put you on the list right away ! Just looking to have fun
need two to go flawless, I've been flawless can hold my own a good snip and revive teammate. Add me TheRagingRose and message me for invite!! must be 308 or higher
Need 2 people to go flawless with, MUST have a (1.4KD) or above that can hold their own. Psn: sonicshadow-1239
Need 1 that can hold their own in trials for flawless run. Add dragoth_D
Need 1 skilled and aggressive player add D-Breezy88
Hey guys im going to be doing carries live on twitch if you want to go flawless this weekend go check me out at http://www.twitch.tv/coolkidzs15
Need one for bounties
Need 2 good players for flawless run. Have good communication skills and be chill :) add same as name
Need 1 for trials BE GOOD add me Soundlessmean