They're all just alt accounts with just a purpose to spam, Ninjas please take them down.
I wish there was an automated system for spam like this.
Maybe there is but we're not aware.
[Redacted] had their fun, but [Redacted] needs to gtfo of my forums.
[i] [/i]
They are all alt accounts, and the master accounts unique ID is: [spoiler][/spoiler]
I believe that you are numa numa. Good b8 nike
[quote] gtfo of my forums. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i][/quote] Lol kid, "[i]your[/i] forums" You're just a user Nothing else You're not high and mighty.
No idea what you're talking about but then again I don't spent 24/7 on the forums.
Oh and by his own words [quote]Maya He Maya Who Maya Ha Maya Haha Ehh, numa numa eh, numa numa eh, numa numa numa eh ni shelo (don't remember the lyrics anymore)[/quote]
I'm reporting this scrub.
So who says the signature doesn't ruin other people's forum experiences?
I don't think it's possible to enjoy these forums anyway.
[i]~TheGreatNike ~TheGreatNike ~TheGreatNike ~TheGreatNike ~TheGreatNike [/i]
I muted him. Haven't muted someone in a LOOONG time. Don't see it anymore.
I like pie!
What is numa numa i have seen them too.
You're an attention seeking turd
Numa numa is one guy with like 17 accounts
'My forums' Dork
Who are you and when did you purchase these forums?
lol 2 people just got ninjaed!!!
~The great nike
Just mute them Nike, you attention whoring b[b]as[/b]tard
.....I have no idea what you're talking about. Are they like neatos orrr...
Christ i leave the forums for two days to go to the smite gaming forums discussing the new "broken"(not at all) goddess and come back to even more chaos? I suppose it's back to the smite forums
Numa numa guys? I haven't seen them in the forums at all, what do they spam, exactly?
Lol "my forums" we all know shank owns forums...
*acknowledges the forums belongs to him...