I can't join because I AM a man and I probably shouldn't be here but I just wanted to say I am deeply sorry for all of you having to deal with those idiot men that shame and disrespect females. Believe it or not, not all guys are asshole. I'm sorry, I truly am
god knows how many negative people are out there i've seen lots of those before and i dont like that now im a male too like 16 years old well my birthday was yesterday and i can agree that there's some retarded or should i say most now i dont like to be that kind of a guy and mostly im a nice guy since 2015 and i got 500+ people on my friend list but the problem is that they aren't friends im playing with the often im only playing with them only once in raids and trials and it means that im mostly alone allday now my friends on school are gamers too but they're not playing on PlayStation they're on PC because of that PC master race thingy whatever if i was a female (oh god) i would just join without a word but becuase im a male well there's nothing i can do but i can support the clan anyway i can imagen how this clan will grow stronger and popuplar this clan will be [spoiler]plus god knows how many womens are out there[/spoiler]
Thanks for the support!