I am sorry I never knew you actively looked at peoples Grimoire and compared it to people with low. So give me examples like I just did.
Because I have proof unlike you ^_^
Look at my previous raid completions and everyone in my fire team will have Grimoire and they were fast.
Bet if I look at your previous raids it will be the opposite.
Wait. Your proof is your runs in the raid. Quick times. You do know that's the average time for runs in hard mode now that everyone has done it alot right? Ok well now you do, and my be now you can understand better why 95% of the people responding to your post are disagreeing with you. Go on destiny tracker and look up the speed run records.
You have 18 completions. OP has more. Therefore his sample rate is higher. You complain about his stats yet you're generalising from 18 raids, hypocrite.
I didn't complain about his stats nor compare them to how many I did, I told him his so called fast runs are just average not significantly fast and to check the destiny tracker to see what a fast run is. Him linking his personally fastest 3 runs is not tru data on firearms skill in relation to grim. I also stated that my fastest run was on one of my first few runs through hm raid not my 10th 11th or 12th as his was, if you read the entirety of our convo you would have also noticed I made clear early on that I play mostly on my xbox1. I also stated that someone who spends time working to farm the content for items and gear tend to be better than those who farm grim score to look awsome because aside frome some of the pvp grim, the rest of the pve grim takes little to no skill at all to aquire. Just farming specific enimies. Now having said that, I shouldn't have had to say all that again, if you had just read the convo before comenting completly off topic with the same ol "his completes are greater than yours" supiriorty scrub comback when you have nothing actually important to come back with you wouldn't look like a total dumbass. Good day. Another muted child scrub for the list.. ;)
Poll Numbers - Yes - 776 No - 1719 People do agree with me, also you know what? A lot of people don't have high Grimoire, a lot of people say they are good when they are not. Tons of people say that on LFG. So I think I pretty much know which one they will vote for. Another thing is I am not doing a speed run I am just doing it. No wipes And let me pull up some other numbers - samwenchester account One level 40 whos light level is 306 Other characters are 34 and 31 Do you even play the game?