So who is the best Player in destiny
I listed the 7 best ones you choose who is the Ultimate best out of them. IMO DPJ is the best.
sc slayerage needs to be on this list
666th comment .-.
Chuck Norris wearing Batman that's OP.
Uh there are many that are way better.. Those are just streamers
Wheres shesmynerd? He's clearly the best.
I've barely heard of any of these people honestly.
How do I vote for me?
DPJ ftw!
Where's the me option?
You listed big names not best players. Half of the people of this list are self admittedly not great players.
None of the above. But my vote for pve goes to the guys from thelegendhimself. Anyone remembers how they two manned vog back in year one?!
Everyone who picked ( except for small percentage has watched all of these people play pvp. Kjhovey has more sniper skill than anyone on that list. Triple is really good he just isn't good with anything than crutch weapons
Edited by WhitEWatchEs: 2/17/2016 8:59:05 PMTriplewreck is nowhere near the best. There are better players who aren't even on this list. A lot of the really good players don't stream, most of these are popular streamers, if not all of them. Which is why they're probably on the list. Broman and Goth??? Have you even seen them pvp?
TheLegendHimself is the best PvE player hands down. For PvP I like TripleWreck and realkraftyy... no idea who the best is though.
Broman and goth??? Pfffffff You're trolling, right???? BWAHAHAHA
Edited by Tango [DVX]: 2/17/2016 8:51:00 PMtko gaming is very good pvp and pve name is snipes
13 devils I know you hate them but . . .
None of the above
iNsAaNe is the best player on Xbox. If you have ever played with/against you know what I'm talking about.
Shesmynerd, wishyouluck, wtfisposhy, AEGabrial, Warbulletproof, luminosity48, realkraftyy, Fizzor, sir Dimitrious, tomcatchi. All better.
I'm not twelve; I don't watch people play Destiny on YouTube so I wouldn't know.