Please explain your answer
[url=]Note : Also check out this reddit post, its another experiment done with Grimoire[/url]
If a person has more experience they tend to have more skill.
I am not saying all low Grimoire score players are bad, I am not saying all high Grimoire score players are good. But majority of the high Grimoire score players are good, and majority of the low Grimoire score players are not good. Think about it, there are a lot of people with low Grimoire scores, some this might be there first FPS, some might be extreme casuals, some just don't care. But people with high Grimoire score play the game a lot, they care about the game and spend a lot of time on it.[/b]
Let me give you an example. I have been doing this for the past weeks and it has worked out for me. When I am looking for a raid group I would go to LFG and post something similar to this.-
[quote]Need people for a fast raid run. Only requirement I have is must have a 4600+ Grimoire score[/quote]
And I posted this morning -
[quote]Looking for 5 players to do 2 fast runs. Only requirement is to have a 4600+ Grimoire and have enough time to run it more than once. 1 run should take 50mins.[/quote]
The people who met the requirements had no problem messaging there Grimoire score, but others got so mad, they called me a "grimoire scub", "fu.cking retarded", and more stuff. Some people can't read at all and posted their light level. I didn't care about light level at all. It happened every week I've done this. It was really ridiculous.
Do you want to know the time for all 3 of my runs?
54m 27s - (Warlock)
1h 4m 53s - (Titan)
51m 39s - (Hunter)
All of these runs went smoothly, becasue of that one requirement. If I would've had a light level requirement there is no telling what will happen, majority of the time it just goes bad. It is so easy to get carried to 315 and it is so easy just to get there without trying. Grimoire score shows more skill then a light level. So please don't message me on LFG if you don't meet my requirements and don't say "add me" if you don't meet them either.
It's my fireteam, if you don't meet the requirements then you can't join so don't rage at me. Do you rage at someone asking for 315+ light level when you are 313? Do you rage at someone asking for Black Spindle, when you don't have the gun yet?
Now let tell you what actually goes into a Grimoire score, and its not just dead ghost -
Your grimoire score will increase if you :
Get Crucible kills on Warlock, Hunter and Titan
Get PvE kills on Warlock, Hunter, and Titan
Played during the House of Wolfs days, when fallen attacked on patrol
Killed certain bosses in PvE
Killing an amount of certain enemies in PvE
Get weapon kills with all types of weapons, not just a shotgun and hand cannon ;p
Playing multiply PvP modes and winning at them, not just control and iron banner.
Playing maps in Crucible for the first time.
Playing events in the game,
Finding ghost/frags exploring the game.
All these will increase your Grimoire score, becasue it gives you a feel for the game, you are playing the game while doing this. Yes this might be like other FPS games but it still plays a bit different. Yes some people have an awesome FPS background and are already amazing in PvP.
Someone who has been playing longer would know more. There are some prodigies in the world but not a lot, it takes time to get good. Remember in Elementary school when your teachers would always say practice makes perfect, it actually works a lot of the time but not all the time.
[b]PvP Skill section of the tread -[/b]
When I look for a trails group on LFG I always say have a 1.3 KD or higher because my KD is 1.3. I do not base PvP skills off grimoire, because lots of people have a FPS background and are good.
No, when most of it comes from grabbing ghosts and fragments...that doesn't make any sense. It means more time than anything.
Not skill, but experience.
Lol at the people who think playing a videogame is a 'skill'..smh
It's just that usually the more grinder you have the more skilled you are at the game because you have had more experience with it.
I have 4800 and I'm not skilled... 😀
I consider below 4000 a walk in the park to play against. There are exceptions ofcourse.
High grimoire does not necessarily equal skill, it probably means a player is a collector or completionist. If anything, grimoire score indicates time spent playing the game, although that can be misleading with people who only play either PvE or PvP but not both.
Grimoire does not indicate skill, but it does indicate EXPERIENCE.
I'm a scrub
To me grimoire means one thing: you went through an activity. In some cases, you did this and were putting in actual work. In a few cases it's more of a "you got actually skilled people to carry you through." I measure skill based on actually playing the game with someone. If they're new to the activity, learn quick, and play well. Then I will gladly take them into something with me, as opposed to grabbing the guy on my friends list who expects me to carry his weight as well.
[b] [/b]
Experience, not skill, if anything.
Look at my score. Look at my k/d. I'm proof that they are in no way related lol
Edited by HATDOGGYDOG: 2/22/2016 8:03:38 AMGrimoire doesn't mean anything, it mainly means you farm ghosts and you're more knowledgeable, not skillful . Some of the best PvP players and PvE players have REALLY low grimoire.
Grimoire matters up to a certain point because not everyone wants to spend time hunting down ghosts. How much Grimoire do the ghost give you anyway
Grimore equals knowledge not skill, So they will more likely have a better understanding of the game than those with low grimore
It just means you play a shit load lol, it can mean skill too though but not exactly
Well put
Grimoire elitists = arseholes How to become a grimiore elitist 1. Farm ghost shells 2. Think that farming ghost shells means you are the master of everything
I've been destroyed by groups of people with just over 3000 grimoire and I've also destroyed people with 4800 grimoire. It doesn't reflect skill.
In my case pve it could. Pvp I prove high grimoire does not equal skill.
i have to call b.s on your theory...i am a decent all round player(crucible overall kd is only 1.2..but as far as raids go then 99/100 times im the one person who doesnt get killed..i rarely bugger anything up in pve activities...i have my moments in trials where i score a match with a 4.0 kd..sometimes its been higher...but my grimoire im sure is like by your standards id not make the grade to get into your team as in your eyes i wont be good enough?lol...people on here have some weird shit in their heads...... and just for reference...the reason my grimoire isnt higher is cuz i cant be bothered me spending hours and hours in crucible to play on every map...or went out of my way to get stupid ghost fragments...i play games to have fun..not inflate an absolutely worthless score in game that matters not....
No, I've seen terrible players with high and low grimoire. I see so many people waving around auto rifles and almost hitting me even though they were nerfed a while ago...
I certainly don't think grimoire equates to PvP skill.
In my experience people with high grimoire are always reliable. I've heard a lot of people say they are a gamble (50/50) of the time but :/ not in my experience