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Edited by Killlerschaf: 2/16/2016 9:00:18 AM

If Reddit is to blame for the current state of Destiny, I beg Bungie to never listen to these guys again.

Title is pretty obvious. Another user in here, made me realise what it actually implies, that Bungie prefers Reddit for Feedback: The current state Destiny is in, be it the PvP or the PvE side of things, is an incredibly sad one. Since Bungie apparently follows Reddit for feedback, I came to the obvious conclusion that the Reddit users, alongside with Bungie who listens to them, are therfore to blame for the current situation. (PS: I wonder how long such a thread would be allowed to be seen on Reddit. Anyone up for the challenge?) Edit: In case of some of you never having heard of Filter Bubbles, it's one of the issues listening to Feedback on Reddit.

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  • Wow, never thought I would see a post like this. Before anyone believes this nonsense, please go to Reddit and see for yourself. These forums are toxic, while 99% of the posts on Reddit are human beings who actually know how to have a conversation without insulting and belittling one another, opposing views or not. The main reason I even come to these forums is to laugh at all these kids who don't know anything other than crying for nerds and making ridiculous demands. UGH.

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    14 Replies
    • Maybe because Reddit has more constructive criticism, actual debate/conversation and less people just screaming and crying nerfs. Yes there have been good ideas and conversations on here but those are few and far between in the river of whiney bullshit that happens in these forums.

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      17 Replies
      • Why I will never go on Reddit.

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        3 Replies
        • I just posted this as a reply to someone talking about Reddit being "more mature" in the other thread and going to re-post it here because I don't think people get it. [quote]You ever consider that the reason Reddit differs from the #feedback forum is because it's a forum about Destiny and not asking for FEEDBACK on Destiny. There are other forums here including the #Destiny and #Community forums. When you ask for feedback, generally you're going to get posts talking about what is wrong and needs fixed. So yeah, a Destiny Reddit about the game probably isn't going to get the same complaint posts as a forum asking what's wrong.[/quote]

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          29 Replies
          • I loved the thorn fellwinters lie era the best Crucible was very fun with everyone running and jumping around everywhere not giving a -blam!- about cover, it was just a good time for me Now with low time to kill weapons and terrible shotguns and a worse blink weapon ready animation, everyone just takes cover pops out shoots a sniper shot, takes cover again They really keep nerfing rushing and buffing camping and if I want to play strategic like that I'd play call of duty or battlefield I miss everything being op like fusion rifles shooting people across the map

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            2 Replies
            • I refuse to pass the blame on the current state of destiny to anyone else except for bungie. Reddit hasn't destroyed this game, poor decision making has.

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              • I like reddit better because the mods actually do something

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                2 Replies
                • If a company own communty management and feedback tools are so bad it can't even work out what the feedback is... that's squarely on the company. No other studio has this problem. So frankly no sympathy. Destiny has been a poorly managed product start to finish. At least the new CEO seems to be making improvements... but we won't see what those are till destiny 2 next year

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                  • Destiny is in the state its in for two reasons. 1. Bungie as a company has been in disarray. The rise of Parsons to CEO seems to be having a positive influence on this. 2. Bungie doesn't understand the game it created, or the demands of two game genres that it is unfamiliar with. So instead of letting others teach them, they try to do the things they are familiar with and they arent' working. For example. Weapon balancing decisions in Year Two are being driven COMPLETELY by the needs and wishes of PVP play. To the point PVE players aren't being heard and don't have a seat at the table. Also those weapon balancing decisions are beign driven by a desire to create a style of play (Halo) that is simply INCOMPATIBLE with the weapon system they designed for the game. Which is why we are two years into this game, and have one of the worst metas the game has ever had. It appeals to one group of players...and pretty much everyone else hates it. Why. Because decisions are being made by looking at data, and not really understanding what that data REALLY means in the context of day to day play. A third of kills being made by Pulse Rifles was seen as a problem...and they got nerfed. But no consideration was given to the fact that all the Year Two maps were open, had long sightlines...and therefore favored mid-to-long range engagements. So Pulse Rifles SHOULD have been the dominant weapon, and was actually evidence that they were PROPERLY positioned in the game...and NOT overpowered.

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                    70 Replies
                    • Bungie takes feedback from Reddit and stickies primarily because they are easier to absorb as opposed to the bucket that is #feedback. Just post in these places - problem solved.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Have you even been on the Reddit page?

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                        4 Replies
                        • I think they need to pay attention to both forums equally, honestly. I have read feedback from here and Destiny's Reddit that are very like-minded. I have read very aggressive and hate-spewing posts not just on here but on the Reddit as well. If we act like the Reddit is home to nothing but people who agree with everything BUNGIE does and is home to nothing but blind-followers, and they act like we're nothing but a community of hatred who can never be satisfied then what will we accomplish as fans and consumers?

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                          1 Reply
                          • Reddits gayer than twitter. They are all shit. Hilarious how they rely on 3rd padty -blam!-in apps when they have THEYRE OWN GOD DAMN FORUMS!

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                            2 Replies
                            • Edited by Valyrian: 2/15/2016 5:44:05 PM
                              Bungie needs to stop listening to streamers more than anyone. They are the most biased hypocrites on earth.

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                              9 Replies
                              • BUNGIE is to blame. A total cluster -blam!- in the management of destinys time lines and direction. It's only the dedication of the ground floor developers and keybashers that we have the half of a game we have... Moronic management is to blame.they don't give a shit about any opinion on any forum, they do what they want when they want,end of story...some feedback coincides with there latest idea so they peddle it as listening to the community.......wake up,you have no input to destiny......

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                                • Edited by XBAMNX: 2/15/2016 5:16:30 PM
                                  It will not stick. The mods on r/destinythegame will remove it faster than you expect. Guaranteed. Theyre good lapdogs. I feel like not enough people are angry about the effect on the game reddit has. Its the largest forum on the net for Destiny, most population. Easily. Yet, No one is allowed to express negativity. Hell, they even delete comments and threads silently, before any trouble can occur, kinda like that MInority Report movie. There are a lot of reasons Destiny has been allowed to thrive, milk, and eventually shrivel to what we have now, all while the general populace knows very little about the MANY controversies surrounding this game. Why? Because most people that wanna express their anger about Destiny go to Reddit. And once their there, they quickly feel as if they are second class citizens. The censorship of the anger is as big a reason we have the shit game we have now. Sadly, i also believe the majority of us here arent capable of realizing the full dangers and consequences of censorship. You think shits bad now? Let reddit continue to advertise the world to you, and come back to me in a few years, and well discuss the ripples of immorality that have become widespread throughout free enterprise. The proof is here now, you just have to know where to look, and Destiny is a prime example. EDIT. We should all also seriously be discussing paid schills. They are censorships first line of defense. And it is extremely arraogant, adn ignorant to believe they arent being used here or on reddit, or anywhere else.

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                                  11 Replies
                                  • The problem is, as they themselves say, they don't read their own forums, therefore, they will never see your thread. They really, truly don't care what their customers think. Any time I hear any comment at all from anyone from Bungie I want to hand them a roll of toilet paper to wipe their lips.

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                                  • Put this thread on reddit and test it for yourself. It will be fine .....

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • Apologist retards who tell Bungie to ruin everything good, and add rubbish meaningless crap have sent the game where it is now. Ironically as negative as these forums are, every fix conceivable has been covered. Bungie are just too retarded and pathetic to take note.

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                                    • I figured if you can't beat them, then join them. I post here and reddit. They actually opened a special tab in reddit for us (Controversial) crossover posters. Yes we like to point out issues, not everything is sunshine and flowers in the world of Destiny. And we let them know it big time. There is so much displeasure for the game now, reddit is almost worst than here.

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                                    • Reddit is so much better than these forums.

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                                      • Not only did I find your thread laughable, your trump tag sealed the deal.

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                                      • i think its wrong to blame reddit if we were better on here, they'd probably come here. dont blame any part of the community for Destiny. blame bungie and activision fighting ourselves will tear this community down and it wont matter how good the game is then. you are part of the destiny community. so is reddit. know your enemy: [spoiler]its really yourself[/spoiler]

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                                        • Except if they listened to Reddit we'd still have game of thorns.

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                                        • Edited by Stryker Shaka: 2/15/2016 3:33:58 PM
                                          I actually disagree. In my opinion the guys over at Reddit use a lot of data driven research to formulate their feedback. In stark contrast I feel that community members come straight from PvP matches where they are frustrated or annoyed to ask for buffs, nerfs, and changes. But I will say that Bungie needs to do a better job when listening to feedback. Not every data driven research project means changes are necessary. In the case of the Crimson days ghost drop rate, yes listen to the research. In the case of nerfing guns and class perks, don't listen so much. The more changes that come from PvP research, the more bland PvE becomes. Again, just my opinions.

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                                          5 Replies
                                          • Their bias towards Reddit, and their pandering to streamers (who only recently began criticizing the game), has allowed Bungie to coast along pleasantly ignoring much of the great feedback here.

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