A woman limps through a ruined hospital with bloodied bandages around her waist, holding a pistol found earlier. Every so often she holds her stomach, since she has not fully healed yet*
[b]the sound of gunfire erupts from outside, an alliance stealth operator drops in through a window, he notices you and runs over [/b] "Lady, are you okay?"
"For... The most part, for now.. Who are you?"
"That doesn't matter, we gotta get you back to the..." [b]he is cut off by an explosion from outside.[/b] "we gotta get you to the rebellion FBOR ...."
"FBOR? That like a MASH?"
"FBOR is a Foreward Base Of Operation..." [b]he listens to a comm link before sighing[/b] "Nevermind... We've just gotta get out of this damned city, off of this god forsaken plane-" [b]multiple Feds storm the building, he shoves you out of the door, leaving him and the Feds in the building, many gunshots ring out[/b]
She gets up and tries to find more Alliance troops*
[b]he comes out, weilding a green sword similar to a light saber. He sheathes it and draws a handgun, ready to fight again at a moments notice.[/b] "Tim, get this woman some medevac, now!" [i]"aye aye, captain Skrubface."[/i] "Just do it!" [i]"fiiiiine..."[/i] "What happened? What are those injuries caused by?"
"An alien torment device.. Four metal spikes pierced... my abdomen all the way, i was still recovering when this place was attacked."
"Dear god..." [b]he helps her walk to the end of the street, where a dropship is landing, surrounded by rebellion soliders[/b]
She tries to stay mobile, without requiring too much help*
[b]he stops helping and helps the guards to defend the ship from incoming Feds as more and more wounded civvies are escorted into the ship [/b]
She sits down in the dropship*
[b]after clearing many of the Feds the ship leaves, with the alliance trooper on board. He walks toward you and tends to your wounds [/b] "Hey, stay with me, don't be passing out on me. What's your name?"
"Aveline... DuCann."
"I'm Wheatley, nice to meet you." [b]he cauterizes the wounds with the sword and bandages them[/b] "Are you affiliated with any of us? The alliance? The federation?"
"None really."
"Good. They would kill you if you where a fed. You should be good now, just rest..." [b]he pulls out a sniper rifle and begins sniping down An AA team firing on him[/b]
She rests as much as she can*
[b]the ship comes down at a rebel evac site. Dropships are flying toward a carrier, leaving for... Somewhere other than here. He gets out of the dropship as more medics and supplies are thrown in. The ship takes off, bound for an escape ship[/b]
She continues to rest*