Let's just pretend that Bungie needs TLW and MIDA into the ground. Just imagine for a second.
What do you think the new primary exotic or any weapon for that matter, will shift to.
Basically I mean what exotic will be overused next?
Personally I think that either SUROS Regime because it can kill so fast or The First Curse.
Now bear with me I know you think the first curse is about as good as using a no guns in crucible, but keep in my it has a lot of range for a handcannon currently once its exotic perk activates. So ridiculous range and mind-blowing critical numbers.
First and foremost, Mida doesn't need a nerf. EVERY OTHER GODDAMN GUN IN THE GAME NEEDS A BUFF!! Mida was shit in Y1, and only useful for the Thrall maze. Now in Y2 they have nerfed everything else into the dirt leaving scout rifles as the only unnerfed option. Learn to compete with a different weapon, or call for a buff, not a nerf.