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2/14/2016 12:58:28 AM

Skill Based Matchmaking

As most of you know, Bungie has implemented skill based matchmaking into all 3v3 Playlists. Now some of you might like this idea, but I for one absolutely hate it. It's impossible to play the game for fun anymore. I have to do my very best every match just to get a simple win against some of the best players in the world (literally). I have a 1.8 k/d and all my other stats are pretty high as well, so when I'm playing skirmish or salvage, the opponents I'm being faced with are no joke. These guys are really well rounded players who can manage over 2.0 kd per match, so you can see why I don't like skill based matchmaking. The purpose of this skilled matchmaking is supposed to make crucible a more fun, and fair environment, yet I lose so many matches every day to players with higher k/d's than mine. Also I want to mention that yes, I know k/d isn't everything, but when their above 2.0 I think it's fair to say they're are really good players that can easily demolish me. I understand that skill based matchmaking is supposed to benefit the lower stat people the most. A lot of destiny players just want to come home relax play a little bit of crucible, but they can't relax if they're getting destroyed everyday right? So skill based matchmaking is supposed to fix that, but to be completely honest that's not fair. There's people like me who have put in hours after hours, losing tons of matches, and going negative all the time just to become a great player. What people don't realize is that's how you become a great player, getting your ass handed to you in almost every match, but from those matches one learns to be a great player. Destiny does not need skill based matchmaking, what it needs is ranked Playlists so all the people who want to play more competitively can. I want to hear the community's feedback on this. I don't care if you're against me or with me. I just want to hear your opinion with facts and reasoning. I'm really interested in what you guys have to say.

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