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2/12/2016 8:02:49 PM

Oryx Plate Duty

I want to take a moment to talk about plate duty. It seems a large portion of this community makes this task way more difficult then it has to be. Not trying to sound like an elitist or like I'm better than anybody but simply put if you are dying on a plate go back to normal mode and practice you aren't ready. With that said I'll go over how to properly run a plate. Please note no one plate is harder than another. I'll list the steps below 1) get on plate in designated order 2) throw a grenade at your ogre, I also use heavy synth just for the purpose of helping with my ogre nothing else 3)crouch in back corner of the plate to where the ogre spawned 4) dome your knight! Or take out the acoylytes eye if needed 5) 4 and 5 can change based on need of the moment either 4 will be the knight or acolytes eye or vice versa 6) hear relic runner say I have it get to mid 7) help with vessel if needed 8) stagger oryx Then simply rinse and repeat this process Also stop being afraid to ask for help with your knight it doesn't make you weak it makes you honest and more viable because you're admitting you may have trouble stopping something that will certainly cause a wipe. I really hope this helps some people.Simply put if you stay alive in this fight it WILL get done it's not hard just do your part ask for help if needed and live.

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