I just hit you with a firebolt grenade from around a corner. You are burning and know I am rushing with TLW out.
What. Do. You. Do.??????
Only edit: Communtity is pretty much 50/50 on this. I would be sad if they nerfed my firebolts but I'll get over it.
Back off and re-evaluate my situation. There's no one good answer but contesting someone with low HP is dumb.
Smoke + Vortex trap. Down you go.
Shadestep out of the firebolt and don't get hit
Hunter: smoke and poison grenade Titan: skate and prep to hit him with the should charge Warlock: melee twice I have claws
Wait till I die.
Check my health, if it's low with death in sight I shotgun your bitch ass
Grieve emote
It'd go like this: Bitch about it.->Bitch about IT.->BITCH ABOUT IT!->Burn to death.->Inspect Warlock, see Voidfang Vestments, BITCH ABOUT IT. ->Continue to have fun playing.
Die from burn before you get to me to get the kill shot.
Do the sorry emote
Dance till I die lool
Run around corners, build some distance, turn on a dime, firebolt Mida you.
I wouldn't have gotten hit with the fire bolt because shadestep
*pulls down pants* you wanna frazzle dazzle don't you
I will rage quit immediately, open up the destiny app and blame everyone apart from myself
Skate away and 180 shoulder charge
shotgun is your only hope, even at best though your probably trading.
I soon as I see the nade flying thru the air -or as soon as im hit- I dip outta there. I never fight them.
Cry like a little bitch ;'(
Snipe ya head
On all legitimacy, there is no counterstrategy to this. Shotguns and sidearms cannot counter TLW's speed, damage, and range, especially if you've been pre-naded.
Move. The only thing I can do is move. And keep moving.
Return to orbit
Laugh at your medal score then kill you!
Shotgun To The Face -this post is brought to you by Conspiracy Theory-D