I just hit you with a firebolt grenade from around a corner. You are burning and know I am rushing with TLW out.
What. Do. You. Do.??????
Only edit: Communtity is pretty much 50/50 on this. I would be sad if they nerfed my firebolts but I'll get over it.
Sit down and accept my fate
Run... don't stop. Jump, slide, run around corners. Get to choke point. Turn. Body shot firebolt. ;)
Repeatedly plug my ethernet in and out so as to become invincible then backstab you from the front with my blinkstrike, then when you selfrez I'll just dance around you as you circle to find your teleporting foe hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahah
I -blam!- off and away.
Throw my own firebolt, tag them with Thorn once or twice, then laugh because even if they kill me they're done too.
Go on the forums and cry about it. Babay
Shadestep back and take out the shotty
Throw a fire bolt back and headshot you with my first curse
Edited by JonahTalks: 2/13/2016 6:24:04 AM1. Do a dance emote to make them think I'm giving up. 2. Blink over their head and Backstab them. 3. Profit. [spoiler]or just burn out because they body shotted you with a last word right as the nade hit you.[/spoiler]
Slide shotgun bitches.
Headshot you with a sniper and walk away? Lol
Throw a fusion grenade in return. That does more damage
Throw one back
Get shot once then burn out. Smh
Full auto Felwinter's Lie to the face. Love that gun.
Take out my conspiracy theory and stick a shotgun shell in your warlock face.
Take my loss and bow down to you.
Say well -blam!- I'll try an get them down and slow them down for my friends to clean up (if no run option). HAUL ASS OUTTA THERE (if run option).
Fist of panic
Shotgun, or run.
Just murder ya
Delete my game
It won't work. I shadestepped out of it :)
Time my plan C so I at least take out that cheap SOB