Which giant robot do you think is going to win the fight? (Keep in mind that it is a melee fight)
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVJTGLL2SnI]USA challenges Japan[/url]
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u8mheM2Hrg]Japan accepts the challenge[/url]
Edit: fixed urls
Edit 2: Supposedly takes place in June 2016
Japan. Just by the designs alone, the U.S. Mech looks like it will be easily toppled when off balanced. Combine that with the fact that Japan's mech appears to be more maneuverable, if that is the case, Japan just has to get to one side of the U.S. Mech and off balance the top, then they will be coming down. My fellow Americans... Japan has the advantage.